Chapter Thirteen

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Keefe's and Biana's jaws dropped. Sophie's did too, but for a different reason.

"What?!" All three of them exclaimed.

"Yes, we need your help. And if Sophie's not completely healed by the time we should go, we'll have to wait." Alden paused and looked her in the eyes. "I need you to direct us."

"B-but, I don't even know- I can't- I don't even know which way I came from. And I've don't know if it's the smartest idea to go places you've never been. Besides, you'd have to walk for a long time and-" Alden interrupted her rambling by putting up a hand.

"If it gets to be to much or you can't find your way, we can always turn back. Besides, didn't you walk here? It can't be that far."

"That also means you won't be training until you're completely healed. I don't want to risk you getting even more hurt." Alden smiled at her before digging into his food.Sophie was no longer hungry. She felt like she was going to throw up again. How long would they be walking if they did go? 

Sophie wasn't sure how long she had been running, or which ways she turned. But by the time she stopped it had been dark for a long time, and she started earlier that morning. Plus Sophie knew she was a fast runner. She had stopped to walk at times, or just take a break to sit down. But most the time she was running.

All she remembered was the burning feeling of needing to get away.

When dinner was finally over, Sophie went to her room in a daze, turning on the shower and sitting in the bathroom floor. Her mom used to say the steam helps breathing clearer.

She was shaking. She knew if they went back there it would be hard. She knew if they went there they would have to cross the bridge. The bridge where-

Giving the toy to Amy. Winking at her. Amy's screams. Gone.


Her moms sobs. Her Dads screams. Gone.


Run. Their bloody faces turning towards her. Run. Her Mom tripping. Gone.


Sophie sobbed, crawling in the hot shower and curling up, not bothering to take off her clothes. The water burned her skin, but she barely felt it as it drenched her clothes.

She continued sobbing, not even realizing when someone came in and gasped. She only realized someone was with her when the water was shut off and the person joined her. "Oh Sophie."

Arms wrapped around her shoulders and long, brown hair tickled her neck. Biana.

"What's wrong?" Sophie couldn't talk. She just cried harder, shaking her head.

"Okay, we don't have to talk. I'm going to go get you some new clothes and we'll get you fixed up." The arms left her as Biana stepped out of the shower.

She came back a minute later, forcing Sophie to get up. She handed her a towel and oversized sweatpants and a huge hoodie with undergarments.

Biana left, shutting the door so she could change.

Sophie stripped and dried off quickly then threw on the red shirt and gray pajama shorts Biana gave her.

She walked out to see Biana and a small device she was scrolling on. "What kind of music do you want to listen to? Angry, sad, happy?" Biana handed over the small radio-like device. It had buttons with emotions label on it.

Sophie decided to give angry a try, pressing the button. Immediately, screaming and electric guitar sounds bursted from the box. It was so loud Sophie wouldn't be surprised if everyone in the whole house could hear it.

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