5 Years (Alternate Ending)

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Things didn't quite go to plan for the lovebirds.

Harry was away a lot. His career took him all over the world. However, Erin couldn't keep up with it all. She couldn't stand him being away constantly and always felt like she couldn't cope.

They broke up 6 months into the relationship. Not even making it to a year. Meaning that the promise they made, became a distant memory.

The break up was mutual though. Obviously they were both upset and mourning over each other but they knew it was better for the both of them to end it. They remained on speaking terms for a while. Speaking when they both could but it fizzled out after a while. Both becoming busy with their own lives and jobs.

Which brings us to now. 5 years later...

Erin and her beloved friends Becca and Liza were making their way through the streets of London. Heading for the nearest bar.

Loz had moved to America. Wanting to pursue their acting career which was taking off. The group couldn't be prouder of them.

The other three stayed in London, pretty content with their lives. Becca was married and Liza in a long term relationship.

Erin had on and off boyfriends throughout the years but nothing ever really stuck. She'd realised that maybe she needed to work on herself for a while. If someone came along during that then great. She wasn't going searching though.

"We could go to Rog's." Becca suggested.

"Omg yeah let's go! Haven't been there for a while! When was it? Like.." Liza stopped. Realising the connotations and remembering the last time they were all there.

"Guys it's been years it's fine." Erin laughed. She really was fine. She could talk and think about Harry with no issues. The years making it easier to cope.

"Okay then. If you're sure? Let's go!"


The three of them made their way through the entrance. The old place hadn't changed. Just a new coat of paint and updated furniture but the vibe remained the same.

"It's been over 5 years! How does it look exactly the same?!" Becca asked.

"I like that it's the same. Takes me back you know." Erin announced. She quickly found an empty table and slid onto the seat. Becca and Liza doing the same. They took of their jackets and placed them over the backs of the chairs.

"Wonder if Rog is still around?" Erin mumbled. Searching around the bar for any signs of him.

She wasn't met with Rog however. She was met with a man she hadn't seen a long time.

"Harry?" Erin whispered to herself. The other two heard her though and quickly turned to follow her gaze.

She wasn't wrong. There was Mr Harry Styles stood behind the bar pulling pints and serving drinks.

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