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"Here is your order freshly brewed americano made by dahyun-shi as per

"Huh, she made it for me anyway huh? I knew that anybody could fall for my charms" Sana thinks smirking.

"Will you stop staring into space and smirking it's creeping me out."

Sana discreetly ignores Momo and sips her coffee thinking of ways to piss Dahyun off. But she stops in her tracks when the taste reaches her taste buds and she unknowingly hums in delight.

Momo looks at her in shock and amusement as Sana devours the coffee as if her life depended on it. This is because she has never seen Sana enjoy inexpensive coffee.She stares intensely until Sana stops to question her.

"Hey, this Dahyun girl makes decent coffee, "Sana says with an annoyed expression on her face.

"No shit sherlock. Wow, now I want her number. What are chances of meeting a cute barista with looks and skills"

"Yeah, maybe you are right... Momo go get me her number"Sana says

"Uhhh I was saying for myself"


"AGHH Fine but if she refuses to talk to you not my fault"

"Just say you want it for yourself then she won't say no. BOOM problem solved, "Sana says having her big brain moment

"No problem not solved. she doesn't know it you that needs it and just asks it by yourself consent is sexy after all"

"It won't be sexy if she refuses....besides I was thinking of getting you a bonus at the end of the month you have done an amazing job, "Sana says massaging momo's shoulder and tempting her to take the offer.

"Bribing won't get you anywhere but I am broke with no morals I shall take your offer. you owe me jokbal "momo says defeatedly

"Sure whatever now hurry!"


Momo timidly walks towards Dahyun hoping to gods that the encounter she is about to have is not awkward because social interaction isn't exactly a forté of hers. But the fact that she is not even the least bit interested in this girl makes this even worse. Sure teasing Sana was fun but she isn't exactly available to do something like this. For god's sake, she is in a relationship. What the hell would her girlfriend think if she finds out about this.

But Momo pushes these thoughts aside and takes careful steps towards the obvious barista. And just when she is about approach her Sana comes from behind and hugs her.

"What the hell sana this is not the part of the plan!" momo says trying to look intimidating but she was beyond relieved.

"Guess what plan changed now why don't you pretend to be my girlfriend and I can ask her on a double date if she has anyone to bring along, this way I would know if she has a girlfriend and even if she you know i can scare her away," Sana says her eyes fixed on Dahyun like a predator looking at its prey.

"Sana what if she is in a healthy relationship you cannot just ruin that or-.. or  if she is straight?"

"There is the no way she is straight momo. This freaking girl wears boys uniform in college and it's just that she is annoying and I just want to teach her lesson after what she did to me today then I will leave her to her shenanigans, "Sana mutters as if it's the most obvious in the world.

"Ok fine but you have to tell me what happened today ok?"

"Yeah yeah later"

Sana shouts as she approaches Dahyun who was peacefully cleaning a table but now is wincing in pain holding her ears.

"Would like to go on a double date with us?"Sana says

"Uhhhh you are my professor????"

"Yeah but I am young just a few years older than you this shouldn't be awkward, me and Momo are extremely bored nowadays I think it's a great idea to get to know my favorite student and her girlfriend as well!"

"Uhhhh well ok, I guess...?"

"Great! Meet me at this café at the time tomorrow. Don't be late!"Sana says dragging Momo to the exit wearing the most shit-eating grin she could muster up to annoy Dahyun.

"Ahhhhh I already regret I have to find a fake girlfriend to shoo this woman away, "Dahyun says to herself getting back to work.


"YOU SAID WHAT?"Chaeyoung shouts

"Well, I didn't have a choice ok? If I said I was single this women would have still approached me and forced me to come.... she is so shameless I didn't even know she has a girlfriend"Dahyun says with a grunt

"Bro don't fall for your professor, I have been there done and would probably do it again if given the chance,but you shouldn't"

"You what?"

"Nothing so you need a fake girlfriend huh....? How about that Hoseok guy???"

"He is not a girl???"

"Well you didn't specifically say girlfriend did you?"Chaeyoung said

"Uhh no... but she said bring your girlfriend and I said yes and even I could bring him along I don't think I should ,because then I would lead him on, "Dahyun mutters the color draining out of her skin by each passing second


"NO WAY Tzuyu will get the wrong idea and I bet the news of your double date would surround the whole class if not the entire campus because well... gossip is our school's forté, "Chaeyound says immediately shooting down the idea.

"Oh! oh! How about Mina!"Chaeyoung proposes

"Mina your gaming buddy???"Dahyun comments

"Yeah! She is insanely beautiful and as far as I know, she doesn't have a girlfriend! And she is smart too I think she said she was a lawyer...?" Chaeyoung insists

"Ok I guess if she agrees"Dahyun agrees albeit a bit hesitantly

"YES lemme call her, "Chaeyoung says excitedly

"Why the hell are you this excited?" Dahyun questions

"Ah.... well,l I have been trying to set you both up for ages but you always disagreed. Now's the chance Dubu shoot the shot!!!!"Chaeyoung reveals

"Bu-.." dahyun gets cut off before she can reply.

"Hello Chaeyoung??" a soft voice mutters from the other end

"Hi MINA!"

ahhhhhh dahyun sighs the ninth time that day" This is going to be a long as a week"


HI, GUYS  I know I am not consistent with this fic but honestly, I just write for fun and when I feel like it. So idk when the next update comes but... I don't know look forward to it maybe? But I am telling you this is getting interesting now, isn't it? but this just the beginning;)

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