Dear Karma

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Dear Karma,

I am always being struck by the lighting and shaken by the thunder. Why is that? I was born into this world cursed. How is that fair to my brother or me? We should have been born with a clean slate. It is not fair that we have to carry the karma from our past lives or our family fuck-ups.

We do not deserve that. We deserve to walk on our own path and make our own mistakes, not cleaning up other people's shit from their past or the choices they made. Kace and I do not know how to clean up a mess that we didn't make. However, for some reason, we are paying the price. Yeah, we are paying the price—a high price at that. When will it be over? Will it extend in another life as well? Karma, if you are the only thing that can change Kace's and my fate—then what are you waiting for? Do you not think we've suffered enough?

We do not deserve this shit,


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