Dear Curses and Blessings

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Dear Curses and Blessings,

How could there be two in one? I never knew a person could be cursed and blessed. There's no such thing as having both. There no such thing as taking sides when it comes to blessings and curses—I always thought that a person had to pick one. I would never have made the decision to be cursed. It was given to me. Well... Kace and I apparently have been the chosen ones. We've been the main target. When curses shot their arrows, they hit the bullseye faithfully, without fail. Why couldn't we have been the chosen ones for bountiful blessings? It is a blessing that Kace is alive, but it is a curse that he was in danger.

My emotions are a waterfall of never-ending thoughts of what is going to happen next. Kace has so many tubes in him—it is like he is being smothered, dissolving in webs of lies one after another. The same lies that my mother told him—she told me when I was younger. I am sure she told him she would keep him safe. I am more than sure she told the judge she had changed. Kace was coiled in a web of lies. Now he is coiled in wires to survive.

Our lives are surrounded by many curses, but I know there must be a couple of blessings to be spared. Please. I am begging you to show us some mercy. I will accept our blessings even if they are thrown at us like breadcrumbs. I will fall to my knees and scramble to pick them up one by one. When will mine and Kace's lives be gentle as a flowing stream without any worries? Right now, I have to pack my feelings and tears away.

Cruses and blessings, please think about what I said,


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