Chapter fifty-one

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It was just a chill day today and the boys only did a half day of work so they could lounge around with me and do nothing for the rest of the day.

They've been working a lot around the pack under my dads orders until they fully take over as alphas which is not that far away. Only a matter of weeks come to think about it. It's just that they're finally fitting in perfectly to this pack and everyone loves them and is no longer afraid of them like they once were.

It's almost too good to be true.

On the plus side Namjoon also stopped bickering with Jungkook and Jimin so much. Finally there's peace inside our home again and no more arguing or things breaking constantly.

There's peace in our house hold which is perfect for me with this pregnancy because it was starting to affect me in negative ways, knowing my mates were arguing constantly but since that day in the woods and I told them off like children there hasn't been another situation even close to that since.

Now we can all spend time together in one room and not worry about the other exploding with rage.

The choice of our location to chill was in my bedroom. Usually time spent in my room with sleeping arrangement is that turns are taken to make it fair but tonight just like last night everyone is in my room and I cant be more happier.

Laying on my bed I tried to watch the romantic movie that was on but I was more distracted by Jungkook playing with my hair between his fingers while I cuddled into Taehyung and Hoseok sat beside us, holding my hand and creating soothing circles around my knuckles using his thumb. Even Jimin laid on his side just behind Hoseok to be located near me but rest his head on my stomach facing the tv with Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi laying on their bellies on the edge of the bed.

Everyone was watching the tv but me.

Their love and warmth just emitted around the room and I could feel myself getting overwhelmed and emotional.

I blame the pregnancy.

Stupid hormones.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Taehyung

Upon his question using his worried tone, the three heads down at the bottom turned around quickly at the same time. Hoseok paused the tv and turned his head over his shoulder while Jimin lifted his head to turn his whole body around to face me.

"You've been crying?" Jungkook

Gently he wiped my tears on my cheeks using his thumbs and propped himself up by the elbow.

"Oh my god what did we do? What do we do?" Hoseok

Jimin laughed at him and slapped Hoseok on the lower back, rolling over and laying on his back but using my hip to keep his head up.

"Just calm down Hoseok. We haven't done anything." Jimin

"Y/n would you like some chocolate?" Jin

I heard Jin say and immediately I nodded, growing a large smile on my face and even so much as my eyes to sparkle when Jin sat up on his knees and passed me the chocolate bar. A rather LARGE chocolate bar and it was just for me.

Sitting up, pulling away from Taehyung he groaned dissatisfied by my actions but sat up along side me along with Jungkook on my other side. Jimin however just kept his head to now my lap and watched me fondly open up my chocolate and start munching happily.

"See there's nothing that chocolate cant fix." Jin

"Is anyone really watching this movie?" Yoongi

I shook my head and everyone else did too but all but one person.


He timidly held up his hand expressing a sheepish grin.

"I'm watching it." Namjoon

"Of course you would." Yoongi

Yoongi giggled at him and pushed him backwards, resulting in Namjoon almost falling off the bed backwards but Jin caught him before he could.

I started laughing also but stopped when I felt a small kick in my belly resulting in myself gasping with surprise. Just this passed week the babies have started kicking but it's very small movements right now since I've now approached half way through my pregnancy.

"What's wrong Y/n? Is it the babies?" Jimin

His hand instantly reached out to my belly, eyes alert and concerned but I just chuckled even more so when I saw the look of disbelief on Hoseok's face.

"Sure when I do it, it's a joke." Hoseok

Jimin received a tap on the back of his head but Jimin kept his eyes trained on me but reaching around to swat away Hoseok's hand.

"Im fine but the babies have been kicking."

"Move out my way losers!" Yoongi

Yoongi quickly crawled over, pushing Hoseok and Jimin out the way in the process and gently placed a hand on my stomach, smiling wide as he fondly watches my stomach move ever so slightly when there was another.

"Hyung, let me feel." Jungkook

Sliding his hand along side Yoongi's he whined a little bit but then gasped when he too felt it. This past week when I've been feeling these movements they've been busy so this would technically be the first time they would be experiencing this.

"Me too, me too." Taehyung

Now Taehyungs large hand was among the three hands on my belly now and I just sat there, leaning back on the headboard as they felt the babies move around.

"Hey! You didn't need to push us off asshole!" Jimin

"Language Jimin. The babies can hear you now." Jin

The look on Jimin's face was pretty funny, he almost seemed cute with his eyes wide and pouty lips. He almost resembles a child when he does that which makes me wonder what one of the babies will look like.

"You know we should discuss names? That would be a good idea." Namjoon

He commented coming closer to join in this moment by shuffling on his knees and sitting beside Yoongi eyeing up my belly fondly.

" I like Joy for a girl." Hoseok

"What makes you think one of the will be a girl?" Jungkook

Hoseok shrugs as he comes to sit beside Taehyung while Jimin rushes around the bed to the opposite to sit beside Jungkook.

"I have a feeling." Hoseok

"Me too. I think a girl would be nice." Jin

"I would like a girl." Jimin

I looked over at him just to smile which he smiles back sweetly and then manages to slither his hand to my belly along side everyone else's that have managed to find a space.

"You do?"

Jimin just nods at me, giggling cutely.

"Yeah. She would be my little princess and would be just as beautiful as her mother." Jimin

Blushing I looked away but ended up making eye contact with Taehyung instead already watching me and grinning widely. I was about to speak to him but he stopped me when he gently and unexpectedly kissed me on the lips. It was short and sweet but very meaningful.

When he pulled back, he cupped my cheeks and remained eye contact, those red and yellow eyes of his gazing back at me.

"You're amazing you know that?" Taehyung

"You're all amazing too Tae and I love you all."

"We love you too Y/n." Namjoon

I looked over to him and he just smiles, blowing a kiss towards me cutely but then bends over Yoongi to kiss me just like Taehyung had.

Gosh I love them so much and this moment between us, feeling the babies move and stating our love for one another was special in ways I cant even describe.

I feel so lucky in life right now.

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