Chapter one

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To be the alpha of the very well known and strongest pack known in history is very hard.

I work constantly with meetings and border patrol. I have to make sure the pack is safe from form vampires. We don't worry so much about rogues because there isn't any.

In fact I believe that every wolf not matter the circumstances deserves a place to live freely and in my pack they do. All I ask in return is loyalty in exchange for a home and they are free to do as they please with rules of course.

So rogues are not the problem compared to vampires. We've been battling for years over these woods. They claim they were here first as according to our stories that's not the case even if they do age much slower than we do. I don't buy it. I personally think the vampires hate us for reasons that are unclear.

Not to mention they mercilessly kill my kind and very few people I've known on a personal level.

As you can see I'm a very busy man trying to protect my people from these demons.

My wife, minseo is the love of my life and my mate. She's beautiful inside and out. I met her at a dance from the next pack over that we're very close to. Her father and mother were alphas and as a child of an alpha you are born a alpha no question.

That all changed the day my daughter was born. My soul reason in living other than my wife. She's daddy's little girl, my light and my best friend.

As weird as that sounds it's true. Minseo constantly tells me we're just alike and I believe that. Every time I spend time with my little girl she acts so carefree just as I was when I was younger.

I'm just worried about her future.

She was born an omega, the first ever in history to be born with two alpha parents. It makes her extra special, she has alpha genes but somehow the goddess herself decided my daughter would be an omega.

Because she will grow up more fragile than an alpha child I'm a little over protective of my little girl. She's our only child since there was complications during her birth that prevented my mate from baring anymore children. So whoever my daughter has for a mate will be destined to take over my role as alpha of my pack.

Minseo thought today would be a good day to spend some quality time with my three year old daughter. I had to pull some strings with my beta, Patrick to do this but she is my only child and I don't want to miss out on the important things in her life.

I asked my daughter what she wanted to do and she was determined to go for a walk around the woods but it would have to be in our land of course.

We took a stroll hand in hand around the border which so happens to be next to a river that's very dangerous but it serves as a border line to the no lands we call them.

The land where no one lives or owns but I hope one day to extend our land their too it's just the stupid vampires that are in the way.

"Little bug, look a butterfly!"

I pointed to the beautiful blue butterfly flying just above her head of white hair. Another unusual quality my daughter has.

"I see it daddy! I see it!!"

She squealed letting go of my hand and clapping her hands to then chase after the little butterfly.

She loves creatures like that, butterflies, ladybugs you name it. Not spiders though she's scared of them but will later say they're cute but doesn't dare want to be around one.

"Y/n! Don't run too far away!"

I shouted at her watching her giggle in delight trying to catch it in her hands.

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