Chapter thirty-five

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I hate waking up in pain from my heat. It's official it has started and it fucking woke me up so I'm not in the best of moods right now. Why does it always seem to happen when I'm sleeping?

When I woke up, I practically crumpled out my bed and dragged myself over to my bathroom, squeezing my legs together from the moisture that was already pooling in my pjs. I might as well not wear any clothes at this point but it'll only get worse before it gets better. This is only day one and I feel like dying.

I ran a cold bath, feeling extremely hot and constantly flushed and bothered by this. I was sweating all over my body. I lay in the cold water which was instant relief to the hotness of my body and I couldn't help but to relieve myself using only my fingers but only did that help for a few moments before the pain would come back. My whole body was screaming at me to go to one of my mates but I refused, I cant right now. Even if I can hear them growling and making noise from some where in the house it's clear they know already that I've started my heat and they're getting all worked up.

After soaking in the bath, it's affects started to ware off so I climbed out but didn't bother using a towel since I would pretty much dry on my own due to my temperature raising and I came to stand in front of my mirror in the bathroom. Damp hair and glowing skin from the water from the bath but my eyes were their shining blue omega eyes. Gritting my teeth together I tried to think of something else that wasn't my mates, just anything but nothing was working. I needed them, just any of them.

It didn't help that suddenly a scent of honeysuckle rushed past my nose making me crave him even more. I knew who this was and he was right outside my bedroom door. I groaned to myself just desperate to get rid of this pain and ran out my bathroom to my bedroom door that led to the corridor just to see in deed it was Taehyung standing outside my bedroom door in the hall with his back to me just about to go in to his own room but as soon as he caught my scent his whole shoulders tensed and he growled just to turn around after sniffing the air and stared at me for a moment with his red and yellow eyes.


I whined at him, leaning against the door frame, squeezing my legs together in hopes that would help but sadly it't not. I could see the fight in his eyes, debating whether to do this or not, gritting his sharp teeth together but then he looked down at my boy finally noticing that I'm naked. A loud possessive growl escaped from him and he took two large steps over to me, grabbing me by the neck and pushing me inside my room with him and closing the door with his foot making a loud bang.

His touch alone gave some sort of ease and my wolf was screaming for more and I could see in his eyes just how much he wanted me but was trying to keep it together.

"Y/n I really shouldn't but I cant fucking help it when you smell so delicious." Taehyung

I whimpered and whined again, gripping his shirt trying to pull him closer to me so I could touch more of him. Again his eyes looked me up and down and he chuckled amusingly and a smirk appeared upon his lips.

"Do you need some help little mate?" Taehyung

I nodded eagerly, feeling his grip in my neck tighten slightly but I was still able to breathe properly despite the pressure.

"Yes, Yes please! Tae, I need you please."

He pulled me close and kissed me hard on the lips making me groan in self pleasure of feeling his lips on mine. I found myself trying to grind against him to get some sort of release but he pulled away and let me go and took a step back, wiping his bottom lip with his thumb.

"Get on the bed. All fours." Taehyung


I didn't have to be told twice. I rushed over to the bed and got on my hands and knees making sure to bare everything I had for him. I looked over my shoulder to see him remove his sweatpants and kick them off somewhere to the side with his boxer shorts and then took off his tshirt throwing that away and then pumping his cock that made me whimper just to see how how hard and ready he was for me.

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