Chapter ten

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I was curious as to why Y/ns father wanted to speak with us again but this time without her. It was surprising when she told us her dad asked for us but we agreed to see him anyway not that I really wanted to leave her.

I love spending time with her, all seven of us do and not to mention the children are really cute. We've never experienced being around children before other than when we ourselves were children. So it's a new experience but I nice one.

My favourite part of it though is watching y/n, my mate with the children. The way she just lights up every time her sights land on a little one or the way she looks at them in awe when they do something as simply as drawing a picture or kicking a ball. It's soo sweet that it warms my heart. Something I never thought possible since before I first met her when she was a child herself.

None of us knew this day would happen as we use to read about it all the time in our dads books well what he had on wolves anyway. We knew of the mate thing but never thought it would be possible for us to have one since we are part vampire and always thought the vampire side of us were more dominant than the other but lately I'm not too sure.

I sit in front of y/ns dad in my deep thought until he began to speak leading me out of my mind to pay attention to what he had to say.

"I've called for you all here because I need to speak with all of you about your roles of becoming next alpha. Since by rights because you  are my daughters mates you would all be able to take my place as alpha in this pack." Alpha

I nod confirming my understanding as did my brothers seated beside me on this large couch.

"What y/n is doing right now with allowing all of you to spend time with the children is actually a very good idea in getting others in the pack to trust you. It allows them to see that if an omega can trust you enough around children then so can they and plus it shows the people that you're not dangerous." Alpha

"I'm sorry sir but how would it be more okay if an omega could trust us around children? Wouldn't it be the same?" Jungkook

He held up his hand in question but the alpha amusingly sits back in his chair leaving his one hand rested on the table.

"Very good question. Yes all wolves have the instinct to protect the young whether it be their own or not. But an omega carries that parental instinct with all children even if no child is biologically theirs. On the plus side omegas are also very sensitive to the atmosphere around them. Usually they can sense danger quicker than the rest of us, other than myself of course. It's like a tell for when they're with the young pups that they're safe where they are or not and  they can be very good healers too. It's just we don't have a lot of omegas here that could do that." Alpha

He shrugs off what he said.

I on the other hand should read mor was out the wolves. I mean I have over the years but I can't help but think now that's we're staying here that I'm learning more than those books.

"So! To official business now. Because my daughter has found her mates and after the ceremony of you all joining us and by tradition I means that all of you should take over my place next month before mating season begins." Alpha

That's soon!

"I'm sorry to say this alpha but isn't that very soon? I mean I also read that would mean we would have to marry your daughter too right sir?"

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