Chapter thirty

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We're back home now and thankfully I finished my period also but mating season starts within days away, the end of the week in fact. I get so nervous just thinking about it so while my mates are currently back with my dad talking of living arrangements and such I decided to spend the day with my mom and with Winter also.

It's a little different because before with being around my mom and Winter, I was unmated and even just before we left it still didn't feel like anything had change but because I had been gone for a little over a week now I cant help but feel a little more mature now. I'm not hating it though.

The day with my mom and Winter went smoothly. We had a walk around the pack village, had something to eat and then ended up back at my place just below my parents house that I grew up in. But I call this place my place, it's the farthest I was allowed to go before I found my mates but I guess now that I have my dad is okay with me moving out which is what I can imagine they are talking about today and among other things that I'm sure I'll find out later.

However coming back from our walk and into my parents living room I did so happen to have ran into Yoongi who was just on his way back up to my dads office but purposely came looking for me to see me and not to mention steal a kiss. My other mates would of known what he was doing but my dad wouldn't and he told me he missed me even if we did only see each other this morning.

That's another thing I have learned about Yoongi. He secretly shows his affection, I mean he's quiet but will sneak in his opportunity to show you how much he loves you and that's exactly what he does with me and he also does it with his brothers too.

Strolling into my living room still feeling a little flustered from the kiss Yoongi gave me upstairs before he ran off, I sat down on my couch with Winter beside my as my mom started to help herself to making coffee and tea. I didn't want anything and Winter didn't either so she just made herself something to drink which was tea. My mom doesn't like coffee so it's always tea.

All day today I told them about my week away with my mates, I love every minute of it and told them of just spending time with them individually as well as to spend time with them all at once in a group. Winter and I just picked up conversation on the couch just talking about gardens. She started talking about how she decided to plant pretty flowers to grow in the front of her house that she shares with Ed. I thought it was a good idea.

"What kind of flowers have you started to plant?"

Winter slouched back on the couch, one hand brushing along her long hair passed her shoulder with a slight sigh.

"Nothing really special. Just some sunflowers, roses and just the boring kind of flowers. I just wanted some more colour added to the front of the house, it was looking quite plain." Winter

I nodded but before I could say anything my mom walked into back into the living room, blowing lightly on her steaming hot tea with the cup on hand and carefully taking a seat beside me.

"Y/n, as your mother I have a question for you." Mom

I internally sighed and prepared myself for what she had to say. Judging by the look in her eyes she had something in mind, something that may make me uncomfortable to talk about. The last time she looked at me like this she wanted to talk to me about the mating ceremony and that was uncomfortable enough so I don't know what else she's got to say now.


I was uncertain but waiting for what she had to say. She glanced at me with her eyes as she drank her hot tea and then carefully set it down on my small coffee table and placed both her hands flat on her lap.

"Now that your a mated young woman I was wondering if I would be getting grandchildren any time soon?" Mom

I choked on my salvia and yet Winter started laughing at me. I stared wide eyed at my mom who just smiled at me like it was the most innocent question in the world and on her part it might be but I wasn't expecting that.

"Mom. I'm not ready for kids. It's too soon."

My mom sighed sadly and looked away from me.

"But mating season is just days away." Mom

She was pouting at me now.

"I know it is.. You don't have to remind me of that."

I can already feel myself on edge around my mates already. It's like I always want their touch or even their scents to be close with me which is why I'm wearing Jimins large black hoodie because it smells like him.

"Exactly. It's perfect timing don't you think?" Mom

She patted my hand that I rested on the couch beside me, just between the two of us. Winter was still giggling from my other side.

"I just literally mated with my mates just a little over two weeks ago. That's too soon if you ask me. Namjoon already asked me the same thing and I told him not yet."

My moms eyes lit up straight away and now I regretted saying that.

"He did?! See honey, there you go." Mom

I shook my head but Winter spoke before I did.

"Its not surprising though. I mean they are really old, they might now of thought they would have children and from what I've seen with the children at day care, they would be really good." Winter

I sighed again. Not her too.

"I know they are very good with children, I don't doubt that. It's just I'm not ready, they know this and they are quite happy with that fact."

My mom picked up her tea again and brought it to her lips.

"Well you're going to get a shock when your in full blown heat then?" Mom

My eyes shot to her just to see her drink her tea but now looking away. I squinted my eyes at her suspiciously.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

She shrugged her shoulders at me and carefully set down her tea again.

"It means you wont care when your in heat darling. Your father and I didn't, but it just didn't happen for us until I had you. Then there is the fact you have seven mates honey, there's no way you would be thinking about the consequences of your actions. You will just be willing to do anything for the pain." Mom

My mouth dropped open but I closed it again when I remembered that Winter and Ed have been through mating season once before and they didn't end up having kids. That's when I looked at Winter in question but she just innocently looked at me.

"You spent mating season with Ed last year and didn't fall pregnant. What did you two do?"

Something crossed her eyes, she looked away as if she was hiding something from me.

"What is it?"

She sighed sadly and then brought herself to finally look at me.

"We didn't do anything to prevent it Y/n. Your mom is right but like her before she had you it didn't happen for us either." Winter

She seemed quite down about that but I guess that is because she now wants one and she told me earlier that they have decided to have one, well I guess this time round they hope that something comes from this mating season.

"If it didn't happen for you or you mom, then I might be the same?"

I looked between the two but both laughed at me at the same time, making me frown at the two of them. My mom again patting my hand.

"Oh honey like I said you have seven mates and on the plus side they are also part vampire. They aren't your normal wolves so they'll be a lot stronger." Mom

"It's still a possibility though."

I was in denial. I'm not ready to have kids yet, my mates know this too and they're okay with that but now that I've spoken to my mom and Winter, I'm unsure of the out come and I will not be able to fight against my instincts when they are telling me to mate with my mates. Oh boy this is going to be a challenge.

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