Chapter 1

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        Danny's POV:

                Same boring day.  All these girls drooling over me.  Some of these people get on my nerves, wait let me change that, all of them do.  Girls just want to be my girlfriend just so they can show me off and become popular, guys only wanting to be friend so it will make them look cooler.  This one girl, she was different Jade.  Gosh she is so beautiful, smart, talented, and she was so sexy.  I wonder if she even knows who I am.  I just wanted to build up the courage to go talk to her.  I know what your thinking Danny Edge the school bad boy, not afraid to talk to anyone right?  Jade, she was different.

                I was walking down the hall to get to my 2nd block class, and I wasn't looking where I was going.  I ran into to someone, I looked at who it was.  The most beautiful girl in the world.  Jade.  I looked at those beautiful baby blue eyes.  Gosh she was perfect.  I have never met the perfect human, but looking at her, I think I just found one.  She dropped her books when I had ran into her.  So I was trying to be nice and help her with her books.  As I was reaching for her English book our hands touched.

        Jade's POV:

                I looked up to see who had ran into me.  It was Danny.  Man he looked better looking (if that was possible) up close.  I was trying to get my English book when my hand touched his.  Fireworks went everywhere.  His hand was so soft.  I looked up just about at the same time he looked up.  Looking into those perfect sea blue eyes.  "C'mon Jade don't do something stupid." I thought to myself.  He smiled at me and I smiled back.

                Once I had gotten all of my books up, he looked into my eyes and said "Can I get your number?'' I looked confused.  "You actually want MY number?" I said confused he chuckled "Yeah.".  I tore off a corner of a blank piece of paper and wrote my number down and handed it to him.  The last thing he said before going to class was "What a cute little freshmen." great, here I am thinking he is hot and he just thinks I'm cute.

        Danny's POV:

                "What a cute little freshmen." I mumbled.  I headed on to class and Mr. Henderson my Art5 teacher got mad.  "Mr.Edge would you like to explain why you are late?" he questioned "I knocked over a freshmen books, and helped her pick them up." I answered.  I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was.

        Jade's POV:

                Man.  I didn't even think Danny knew who I was.  "Why did I even give him my number? It's not like he's even going to use it." I thought to myself.  I am so stupid.  What would he want from a little freshmen.  That night I was laying in bed scrolling through Instagram.  My phone started vibrating, which indicated I have a text message.  I looked at it and there I saw a number I didn't recognize.  I read the message and it read "Hey it's Danny." (D=Danny M=Me)

D: Hey it's Danny.

M:Hey, Thanks for helping me with my books today.

D:It wasn't a problem

M:You were late to class because of my

D:Eh, I'm late for class everyday

M:Well I've got to go eat I'll be back in a bit

D:Okay, eat quick I don't want to go too long without talking to you.

                I almost jumped out of my skin when I read that.  He actually wanted to talk to me.  The guy i have dreamt about all year actually wants to talk to me.  All throughout dinner I was smiling.  I ate quick and automatically ran to my phone so I could continue to text him.

M:Hey I'm back

D:Great I need to ask you something


D:Do you maybe want to ride with me to school tomorrow so you won't have to take the bus

M:Sounds great

D:Around 6:45

M:Great, well I'm going to go to bed

D:Alright, Good Night beautiful

                Wait did he actually call me beautiful?  My alarm clock went off at 6:10, a little earlier than usual so that I can look really good for him.  I throw on my light blue floral shirt with my black skinny jeans and my white combat boots.  I straightened my hair and applied a little more make-up than usual.

                Danny showed up right on time.  As we were pulling up to school, everyone was staring at me because I was riding with the school bad boy to school.

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