Chapter 6

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        Danny's POV:

                        What am I supposed to do without Jade by my side? I would skip school everyday if I could, but I knew that when I get there I get to see her beautiful face. After about 15 minutes Jade was still hanging in there and her parents arrived. Her mom and dad marched over to me "It's your fault!" her dad yelled "If I would've just told her she couldn't go with you my daughter would be laying in bed not have a single thought about you!" he continued "I knew you were bad news! Now look where I'm at, I'm in a hospital worrying if my daughter is even going to make it out here alive!" he screamed "Sir, I promise you I love Jade with all my heart and it hurts knowing that you can't see the love I hold for that little girl in there. I know, I fucked up. The reason why she is in there is because my ex Kiera doesn't like the fact that I'm dating Jade and not her. So as I was walking to my car Kiera grabbed me and began to kiss me. I tried to break free, but she had my hands pinned down. Jade came around the corner and didn't give me time to explain what happened, she automatically began running and didn't see the on coming car and she ran into the road." I said out of breath "Wow." he looked at me shocked "Do you really love my daughter?" he asked amused "Of course I do. I'd be crazy if I didn't. I know people look at me as the school bad boy, and don't get me wrong, I skip school, I am always late to class when I bother to show up, I do drugs, if you name it I have probably done it, I don't know what it is, but there is just something about Jade that makes me melt." I answered truthfully. "My lord I have been looking at you wrong haven't I?" he smiled.

                        I walked into the hospital room where I saw her laying. I started to cry, this is all my fault I thought. If I would've tried harder to push Kiera off Jade wouldn't be here right now. I sat down on the chair next to her bed, put my head in my hands and began to cry. "Hey." I heard someone say softly. I looked up to see Jade smiling at me. "Hey babygirl." I said putting on a fake smile rubbing her cheek. "Why are you crying?" she whispered. "Jade I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. If I wou-" she cut me off "Don't you dare say anything like that! It is not your fault, I should'nt have ran out in the road in the first place. I knew Kiera kissed you first and you could'nt get free. It just hurt to see the one I love kissing someone other than me." she smiled. I looked down at her with tear stained cheeks and smiled "I like to protect what's mine." she chuckled.

                    The doctor came in and began "Well Jade you're a little fighter aren't you? You tests came back normal and you'll be out of here in a few weeks." he said cheerfully. I stood up and began to hug the doctor. "Thank you so much!" I began crying. Jade pulled at my shirt and I turned around and hugged her not too tight thought. I ran into the waiting room and told her parents the news her dad began "Danny I'm truly sorry for the things I said to you. I can tell by the way you look at my daughter, you really do love her. I would be more than happy, when she gets out of the hospital you can come over for dinner and I can get to know you better, if that's alright with you. "That sounds great sir." I said smiling like an idiot. "Please call me Tom." he said smiling. Well now I have the perfect girlfriend, and the approval of her parents, nothing could be better than this, you know other than the day that I make her Mrs. Edge, but that's later in the future.

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