Chapter 2

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        Jade's POV:

                        I thought all night about what I had heard Danny say.  We have only been talking for about 2 maybe 3 weeks.  I know he was just trying to make it up to me but, why did he have to say that?  After seeing what I did today, I don't want to be in love with him anymore.  Danny's exact words kept running through my head "I Love You." those three words mean so much to me.

                      Late that night I heard a tapping at my window.  I brushed it off thinking it was just a branch from the oak tree outside but, the tapping continued.  I got up, slid my glasses on and, opened my window to the balcony and in the middle of my yard was Paul Zimmer, Dannys' best friend.  He said to me "Jade go unlock your front door. I need to talk to you," I did what he told me and unlocked the door.  I snuck him upstairs so my parents wouldn't see him.

                        I sat at the edge of my bed and offered him to sit.  He sat down next to me and began "Danny only lied about one part of the story that he had told you.  He did know the girl that kissed him, it was his ex Laura.  She got jealous of the fact that Danny had finally moved on from her.  She hated the fact that he hadn't came crawling back to her.  Her and Danny had been together since their freshmen year.  She kissed him knowing you would go looking for him when he didn't show up at his car." I looked at him shocked.

                         I had been so rude to Danny and he was telling the truth.  "Paul I need to go apologize to him." I said with my voice cracking.  "Okay come with me, I'll have you back before sunrise I promise." and with that, we left.  When we had finally arrived to Danny's house I saw the light in his room was still on.  I ran through the door, and came upstairs to his room.  He looked up at me with his sea blue eyes that were red, and his cheeks were stained with tears.

                          I looked at him almost crying just seeing him like this.  He really did care about me.  "Jade I-." he started but i interrupted him "It's ok Danny, Paul came to my house and told me everything." Danny looked at Paul and smiled.  "Did you really do that for me man?'' he asked Paul while putting him arm around my waist.  Paul smiled at me and then looked at him.  "Of course man it was hard watching my best friend cry over losing a girl he truly cared about,".  I looked up at Danny and smiled.  He looked down and met my gaze.  Gosh I was the luckiest girl in the world.  Our lips were inches away from each other.  Danny finally closed the space between them.  After about 30 seconds we pulled away.  He looked at me and asked the question that I'd been waiting for "Will you be my girlfriend Jade?" he asked smiling that perfect smile. 

                        I looked back up at him and said "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." gosh he was perfect. 

                       Danny's POV:

                        I am feeling on top of the world right now.  I am now able to look at that beautiful little girl and say that is my girlfriend.  I looked at her and said "Let me get you home before your parents flip a lid." I already know her parents don't like me.  They don't like the fact that I am a senior and she is a freshmen and to add on top of that they know that I'm the school bad boy.  She giggled at what I said and she kissed my cheek.  

                        We finally arrived at her house.  I hated to let her go but her parents were gonna kill her if they found out she was out all night with me.  She opened the door and I stopped her.  She looked at me confused.  I gave her a kiss and told her "I love you." she smiled "I love you too Danny." then she got out and left.  Honestly the best night of my life. 


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