Chapter Twenty Two

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Don't wait for perfect circumstances. They don't exist in this world. Do your best today. Don't wish it away by waiting for better days to come. Trust the Almighty to give you what's best.  Remember, He will always provide. Keep obeying Him and your blessings will follow!


That was how Hammad and Nasir kept on blabbering while the security personnel just turned from this side to the other. When he got tired, he had just allow them leave.

"Damn, this girl can sleep like a log" Hammad complained after 15 minutes of knocking and she didn't open the door.

"Let me call her" Nasir suggested

"Open the door" Nasir said immediately she picked up.

"What are you two doing here?" She gnashed her teeth as she made way for them to go in.

Hammad and Nasir just smiled

"Well, we came to help you, help youuuu, prepare for your presentation, yes, your presentation" Nasir blabbered

"Yes...yes, that's true" Hammad raised his hands up and dropped them back

Salma just stared at them.


Sakma's POV

I stared at them because I knew they were both lying, Nasir looked around my room looking for an excuse before he answered my question, Hammad's response is even worse than Nasir's. I locked the door and sat down opposite the two of them, they both a "don't ask another question smile".

"Soooo..." Hammad started 

"how far have you gone with your..."

"I'm almost done just a few things left" I answered his question before he even asked me

"Do you guys need something?" I asked them again, it was obvious they needed something

I tried to get a reason why they were in my room at this hour but it wasn't successful so i just left them, at the end, their presence really helped me a lot. My presentation would be among the best, I just know it.

"Wake up you lazy bag of chips" I shook Nasir for the third time.

I didn't sleep, i found the room uncomfortable, how can I sleep in a room with two male friends, our friendship isn't even up to five months yet. It's understandable, any girl in my position will know.

Hammad didn't want to sleep too, it was clear but he had because no one can cheat nature.

It's 4am but I want them to leave my room because I hate complications and I can't possibly do anything in the bathroom when they are here, when I realized they won't wake up anytime soon I went straight to the bathroom and filled a bowl with water.

"It's rainingggg" Nasir mumbled half asleep

"I'm awake, it's okay" Hammad woke up

After a few minutes they were all awake, eyes open.

"It's past 4am, you need to leave so I'd get myself ready" I sat down on the bed and looked at them.

"How will we leave?" Hammad asked Nasir

"The same way you came back here" I answered his question

"Lame, Salma, lame" Hammad walked to the door

"We didn't tell her" Hammad immediately stopped as if Nasir told him to stop

"What are you talking about?" I asked them, clearly I was curious, what are they talking about?

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