Chapter Forty One

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The stage of your life at which you're at is dependent on your expiry date. You may be halfway or three quarters through your life, yet you don't know. See the value of time.

They chatted for a while and Salma asked him how he came up with the stanza but he just laughed off the question.

"Vivian, goodnight" Salma said as she covered herself with the fluffy blanket.

Chapter Forty One
Third Person's POV
The next few weeks were stressful and tiring for the new medical students in the college but thanks to the teaching and non teaching staff that did all their possible best with making things as easy as possible for students especially students that came out of the country. Salma made a few friends that really admired her intelligence and hard working spirit.

"Salma, I'm really glad I get to meet someone like you" one of the girls told her on one of their group study during the weekends. Salma just smiled at her and found herself really happy through out the weekend. She couldn't stop talking about how friendly her mates were to her.

"We've heard Salma" Nasir looked at her when she was talking about the new girl that she bumped into at the school Mosque.

"No one can break the bond between a mortar and pestle... always work together...hand in hand" Hammad hummed and continued eating his food.

"Really? That's the best thing you can come up with?" Salma asked him

"Exactly what I'm saying" he lightly laughed and they joined him as well.

Salma and Nasir secretly knew they had feelings for each other but none of them openly said it but they spent most of their free times together and silently knew and also accepted they were a thing. Hammad and Jackson already made their final conclusion on their case the last time they face timed.

"Hmm... Nasir, that course..."

"I knew you will ask me...that course" Nasir mimicked Hammad

"Damn bro!" Nasir laughed out loud

"You should ask Amir" Nasir looked at him for a second and turned away.

"Listen bro, I didn't answer you because he was tryna..."

"He was tryna?" Nasir interrupted him

"Whaaaattt... jealousy on the door" Salma widened her eyes and they all laughed at their conversation.

"The test was interesting because we prepared for it, the exam should be better because we'll prepare harder and smarter" Salma lifted her hand as if she was lifting something heavy in the gym, she was trying to use that gesture to motivate her friends to do better in the exams when their conversation slowly drifted to exams. A few of their course mates joined them in the cafe because they had their last lecture for the day.

Amir was among them and he kept on making sure he dragged Salma into any of his conversations because it was pretty easy to detect he had a crush on her.

"Hmm, listen Salma, you should be the one to draft the headlines, right Nasir?" Amir turned to Nasir but Nasir pretended he didn't hear any of their discussion as they was an earpiece plugged into his ears, he plugged it in when he got fed up of Amir's attempts.

Salma just observed and didn't talk much unless she was summoned by any of them. Hammad was easily flowing with all of them, he also noticed the stares Nasir gave Amir but he didn't say anything to either of them.

"Ding ding" Nasir got a text and he carelessly clicked on it because it was very rare to get a text through messages, the internet was the best place to converse. He smiled when he saw the name but he quickly frowned when he raised his head and met Salma's eyes doing wonders on him. It was obvious she caught his smile but anyway

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