Introductory Author's Note

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Hello everyone!
This is my first fanfiction that I’ve posted on Wattpad and my first one ever involving One Direction.

A few warnings and disclaimers to get out of the way before you get started:
Larry Stylinson is the center of the plot so boyxboy relationship Don’t like? Kindly leave.

I don’t write smut (don’t really know how) but I will allude to sex happening so suggestive content.
Obviously foul language is a given (Louis Tomlinson is a central character, hello?)

Harry will be singing several songs that will be claimed as “his” but actually aren’t his in real life. I will credit the actual artist in the chapter where the individual songs are featured.

Harry will also be singing covers of songs that he may not normally do in reality. I’ve always envisioned Harry as a bit of a rocker so I’ve given him quite few heavy songs. Again, the artists will be credited in the chapters that the songs are featured in.

This is a break-up/get back together fanfiction. If you don’t like the way I’m portraying a character, please know that I’m aware that they don’t act this way in real life.

Lastly, this whole work is a work of fiction, it did not and likely will not ever happen. The people involved do not know about it and the way I portray them may or may not be accurate (most likely it will not be accurate). I am engineering situations to fit the songs that I have chosen (which has already been set in stone, #sorrynotsorry) and not the songs to the situations.

I welcome all forms of constructive criticism, but I do not welcome hate comments. Such comments will be summarily deleted without a second thought.

I will try to update on a regular basis, but I promise nothing.
Enjoy the story!

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