You've Come to Destroy Us

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Leslie stood in the department of Parks and Recreation in City Hall of the great Pawnee, Indiana. State auditors were coming in to help the Pawnee government with its financial issue. She knew they were coming to slash
and burn and she didn't like it one bit.

Next to her was her boss, Ron Swanson. Although he was a strict libertarian and she loved government, they got along quite well, aside from their obvious political differences. Ron was very wise and Leslie thought of him as an older brother. They were like family. Everyone in their department was like family to one another. She couldn't let these state thugs push her department around. They had to stand firm or else someone might get fired.

Leslie was nervous; her heart raced like a humming bird's wings. She didn't want to think about what would happen or who might get fired. She straightened her back and stood as tall as she could. As she did, the door opened and two men walked into the department.

"Hi everybody!" The one man exclaimed. While that man introduced himself, she focused on the other one. He has dark brown hair and eyes to match. She wasn't going to lie, he was attractive. But she certainly didn't like him. He had come to destroy.

Leslie snapped back to the conversation. The other man was going around and shaking everyone's hands. When he got to her, he said, "Hello. I'm Chris Traeger. And you are?"

"Leslie Knope," she answered coldly as she shook his hand. "And who are you, sir?" she asked looking at the other one.

"It's Ben Wyatt. Now if you don't mind, we need to see your paperwork."

What a real stick in the mud! He hadn't smiled once since they stepped into the department.

"Ok, Mr. Wyatt," Leslie replied suspiciously. This guy was no good and she knew it.

As she led the way, Ben accidentally dropped his briefcase and papers scattered everywhere. Leslie instinctively bent down to help. As she handed him some papers, they made eye contact. She starred into his gorgeous brown eyes and he starred straight back into her shimmering blue eyes. She thought she saw a smile come across Ben, but not before the moment was over.

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