This Summer is Ruined

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Leslie sat in a public forum. She usually loved forums, but not today. She was announcing the government shut down and the closed parks.

"It's almost summer vacation. Where am I supposed to keep with my kids all day? I'm my house? Where I live?"

"Well, ma'am," Leslie said to the frazzled woman. "I'm sorry. I can't do anything about it. Believe me, I am against this government shut down. Not like it's a competition or anything because if it was, I would win."

"What about the Freddy Spaghetti concert in Ramsett Park this weekend?" a man asked.

Leslie took a deep breath. This would probably be the worst part. "Freddi Spaghetti has been canceled." The crowd gasped. Ron was smiling trough all this. He loved government events getting cancelled. Leslie smacked his arm.

"Ron!" Leslie whisper-yelled, "Freddi Spaghetti is the highlight of the summer! This summer is totally ruined now! Wipe that ridiculous grin off your face!"

"Leslie, you know I hate government events. I can't help but smile! It's amazing!" Ron giggled. Ron was so manly in so many ways but he had the weirdest giggle.

After the forum ended, Ron went to a meeting to cut government spending and Leslie went to visit Ann in the hospital.

"Annnnnnnnn," Leslie moaned. "The parks are closed and now there's no Freddy Spaghetti concert."

"Wait... If all the parks are closed, why not just have the concert in the lot behind my house?"

"Ann, you devious bastard," Leslie said, grinning.


Leslie sat in Ann's house the next morning.

"Do you think anyone is going to come?" Ann asked.

"A) Yes of course. B) If not we'll just set up the concert ourselves but C) yes, definitely. Although D) maybe not," Leslie answered.

"Leslie, I think you need to prepare for the fact that no one's..."

Just then Jerry knocked on the door.

"Oh bless you Jerry Girgich!" Leslie hugged him.

Then April knocked on the door too.

"Move Jerry, Arpil's here," she said as she shoved Jerry aside.

Leslie wrapped April in a hug. "Aww April. I didn't think you were going to help."

"I still might not," replied April. She and Leslie smiled. April was partly kidding. Although they both knew she may have been telling the truth at the same time. April had a way of doing that.

"Ok guys," Leslie said. "Let's get to work!"

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