We're Shutting This Down

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Ron attended the second day of the budget meetings to his great joy.

"Welcome everyone. I believe we left off yesterday at the sanitation department, right?"

Everyone nodded. Ben turned on a projector and pulled up his spreadsheets.

"So here's where we're at now with spending," he said, pointing to a red line. "And this is where we need to be." This time, he was pointing to a green line, much lower on the graph.

Someone raised their hand. "Ben, where-"

And then a gun went off.

"Sorry, that's my phone everyone." Ron said, unapologetically. "Don't cut anything without me."

Ron stepped out in the hallway and answered his phone. "Hello?"

"I don't care what you say! We are putting on this concert with or without you!"

"Leslie, you can't do this."

"Nothing will stop us! We're hammering away!" Leslie banged the hammer on the stage, not actually nailing anything, before hanging up.

Ron was getting very annoyed by Leslie trying to save the government. But he did find it noble that she was trying to put on the kids concert for free.

"Ok sorry everyone," Ron said as he entered the room.

"Perfect timing, Ron," Ben said. "We we're just about to go on to Parks and Rec."

Ron sat down.

"Looking at your budget, we need to cut about 40% of your department. 15% can come from firing Leslie Knope. Then if we cancel..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," interjected Ron, "you can't fire Leslie. She practically runs the department because I refuse to start programs. I don't believe in government programs. If you're going to lay anyone off, let it be me. I'll be happy to be a casualty in this righteous war."

"Ron, it is exactly because of your beliefs that you need to stay. You will maintain balance in the department once we're gone."

"No, you can't-"

"Ron." Ben said firmly. "We are moving on."

"Look, Ben. Leslie cares so much that she's throwing some lousy kids' concert because she cares enough to-"

"Wait, she's doing what?" Ben asked, shocked and annoyed.

"Uh-oh," Ron mumbled, before running out of the room.

Ben and Chris quickly followed.

Leslie and Ann were sitting on the finished stage.

"I just wish we could of built one of those rising stand things that come out of the stage," Leslie said.

Ann nodded. "That would be cool."

Then Ron came running, shouting "THEY'RE COMING! LESLIE THEY'RE COMING!" He was running so fast that he fell when he turned toward the stage.

Everyone gathered around to help on up. "Leslie, they're coming."

"Who are? The Russians?" Andy asked.

"No, the state auditors. I accidentally told them about your concert in order to try and save some government jobs.... It's been an odd day."

Just then, Ben and Chris walked onto the lot. Chris immediately ran up on stage.

"Great job everyone! Let's keep this going! Now my partner, Ben, has something to say!"

"Yeah, we're shutting this down."

"Oh, that's disappointing." Replied Chris, getting off the stage.

"You know what Ben," Leslie started. "No, we're not shutting it down. Because all the food and everything was donated for free. And everyone here thinks that what we're doing is right. Freddy Spaghetti will play!"

Just then Donna drove in from going to pick up Freddy Spaghetti.

"Uhh.... Freddy Spaghetti can't come," Donna told Leslie.


"When we cancelled on him, he booked a gig over in Eagleton... at a library."

Everybody moaned in disgust.

Ben looked smugly at Leslie. Leslie looked him with disgust. She hated his smug look. She hated the way he think he beat her. She couldn't stand Ben.

"Freddy Spaghetti may not play... But someone much cooler will."

"Who? Ronald Ravioli?" Ben mocked.

"No," she answered. "Ummm... Andy! Can you play?"

"Meh. I don't know, Leslie. I'm not feelin' it today."

"Please Andy. Please. Please. Please. Please. Plea-"

"Well alright. Let me run to my house to get my guitar."

He hopped on his new motorcycle and drove out. But he was no more than 100 yards away when he wrecked.
His motorcycle flipped over a car and Andy went flying into the bushes.

"OWWWW!" He cried, more relaxed than you'd expect.

Haha I need to actually work on this story.

The next part will hopefully be out eventually.

Sorry again for the wait. I'm lazy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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