These Are Real People

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After Ben, Ron, and Leslie settled into the conference room, Ben started going over the paper work.

Leslie tried to lighten the mood.

"I really like your shir-"

"I want to know where you think there's waste in your department."

Geez! Leslie thought. You can't even talk to the guy! Well she wasn't going to try anymore.

"There is no waste in our department, Ben," answered Leslie just as Ron said, "Where do I start?" Ugh. Ron was being his usual anti-government self. It fine when he behaved this way usually, but not today, not when so much was on the line.

"Well, thanks to Ron," said Ben, "the service budget is pretty thin so we'll have to move on to employees. What can you guys tell me about Jerry Gergich?"

Honestly, Jerry was not the greatest employee. He constantly spilled coffee on important documents and was always deleting files off the computers. But Jerry had a wife and kids. She couldn't let this evil man just throw poor, pathetic Jerry to the curb!

"He's an amazing worker and there would be a revolt if you fired him," Leslie replied.

"Ms. Knope, I don't think you understand. We will have to cut this city's budget by at least 33% just to keep this town afloat."

Gosh, this man was relentless.

"Look, buddy," Leslie's voice was escalating with her anger. "These are people with real lives and real feelings. You can't just cut them off!"

"Leslie!" Ron yelled. She looked at at Ron. Her face was flushed from anger and maybe a bit of embarrassment. Ron just sat there, looking at her with his disapproving stare. She knew she screwed up. Leslie looked at Ben to see what he was doing. He was writing something down on his notepad.

"Well thanks guys," Ben said with sarcasm. "I'll get what I'll need from these spread sheets."

This wasn't good. Leslie was in trouble and she knew it.

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