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Author- ....

Characters- .....

Author- Sooo... I would've typed up an April fools chapter or did an April fools thing but I didn't. Because I may or may not have forgotten until more than halfway through the day at martial arts where I got tricked and fooled multiple times by my instructors. Like seriously? They got us GOOD. But enough about that other unfortunate day I forgot about! Let's talk Easter!

Nico- Nice subject change.

Author- Thank you!

Nico- That was sarcasm, you idiot.

Author- *holds back urge to strangle the cute but infuriating boy* Come here, you-

Will- Now, now. Calm down. Everything will be good!

Leo- *chanting, fight! fight! fight! in the backround*

Percy- *comes in holding plate of hot blue cookies straight from the oven* What's going on here?

*silence falls as everyone eyes the treat*

Author- *claps hands to get everyone's attention* Alright everyone, this time the special chapter is gonna be different. You see THIS chapter is going to be in THIS format and I'M gonna be in it! Mwahaha!

Bakugo- Alright which extras do I blow up first!

Deku- K-kachaan!

Todoroki- I agree with Midoriya, Bakugo, please refrain and contain yourself.

Author- Alrighty-o, what we're doing here is.... *drumroll please, drumroll, drumroll, drumroll* EASTER EGG HUNTING!

Nagisa- Sounds fun! Just one thing.... how do we play it?

Author- All-right basically one person or a few hides a bunch of eggs and the other team has the find the hugs they have. How about two teams for who wants to play/is forced to play by yours truely.

Teams1: Nagisa, Percy, Will, Piper, Nico

Ream2: Karma, Bakugo, Jason, Leo, Annabeth

The rest decided to either opt out or fake an excuse and skedaddle.

Author- Alrighty then, let's begin!

Team2 started first, hiding the eggs in the most weirdest and hardest places they could in the hopes that they would never guess according to Annabeth. And she's usually right so... *shrugs*

Todoroki- Are your really going to narrate everything?

Deku- Of course, Todoroki! They're doing it so the readers know what's going on!

Todoroki- I believe this is what they call the 'fourth wall' breaking.

And.... time's up! Any eggs still left in your hands you can just place on the ground to let them find them! Alright, now team2, please come this way and out of the way of our searchers who will be starting shortly. A few seconds passed and then team1 was free to go and find eggs.

It was... interesting to say the least.


Will- W-why are t-there *achooo!* pepper s-stuff... *eyes are watering and he keeps sneezing* K-karma... YOU'RE DEAD.

Nico- ... Now you're just making fun of me. *He stares at the egg perched in the tree right above his reach length, it's a single rickety branch which has no stable place to shadow travel if he tried* I hate you all.

Nagisa- AHHHHHH!!! *runs away from fire getting blasted at him*

Piper- *cursing in Ancient Greek as she struggles to get her hand free of a mouse trap* I HATE YOU!

Overall, a... enlightening experience!

Author- *dodges the knife thrown at her and the other multiple attempts at her life by furious characters* Well now, I believe this sounds like a good place to stop! *ducks under fire* Until next chapter! * runs away from a multitude of people carrying weapons and screaming profanities*

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