I - Leila

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She giggled as she peeped out of the small hole in the closet. Mommy and daddy will never find her here. Just then she saw movement outside. Or rather she heard something she had never heard before. She went out quietly and stood on her tip-toes and saw something that terrified her. In that moment all she wanted was her parents warmth and comfort.

I woke up gasping for air. I looked down and my shirt was drenched. I sighed. The nightmares werent getting any easier. I looked at the alarm and it was 5 in the morning. I climbed out of bed and let the morning light shine through the windows.

My room was huge to say the least. The windows covered one entire wall of the room and they led to the balcony and the two-person bed was close to them. On the other side of my room were bookshelves built almost everywhere. Honestly, wherever there was even a tiny bit of space, it had a bookshelf. What can I say? I love books. The walls were painted grey and the bookshelves black. Everything was basically black, white and grey. But the bathroom was the only place where everything was floral. It was questionable in the beginning but now I dont mind. I'm used to the place so naturally I love it.

I climbed into the shower and turned the water to extreme hot. About half an hour later I went out in my bathrobe and started cleaning up my room. By the time it was 7 everything was absolutely perfect. Every detail to the point.

I breathed in the fresh air as I stepped out of my house. But I wouldn't really say it was a house. It was more like a castle. I turned towards the forest, put on my headphones and set out for my morning jog. I usually just followed the same path but today I just felt so....free.

I saw an uneven path at the corner of my eye and decided to follow it to god knows where but hopefully someplace safe. As I followed the unknown path the song 'Into the Unknown' started playing and I chuckled at the irony. The jog lasted for about more than an hour when suddenly my headphones stopped working.

I took them off and inspected them. Everything was perfectly functional. I dont know what caused the glitch. Suddenly I heard a rustle of leaves behind me. My senses sharpened and I widened my stance. I was homeschooled which meant I had to take a lot of classes that did not make sense. Like at all. I had to take Weaponry, History, War-Training, Etiquettes, Literature, Languages like French, Spanish, Latin and German, Music, Mathematics, Astrology and Dance. I know. That's basically something that the Nobles and Royals are taught but I actually enjoyed them while my best friend wasnt a fan. Our subjects were different to say the least.

I flinched when I heard whatever it was getting closer but when I turned around there was nothing behind me. Everything was silent and still. My gut told me to run back to my home but my mind was stubborn so I continued jogging and jogging until I stopped in my tracks and tried to forget the horror i just saw. This time I stopped ignoring my instincts and this time  I ran like hell. I ran and ran and never looked back. Not even once.

When I reached the castle the sun was shining brightly. I entered and slammed the door as if by doing that I could block the memory in my mind. I headed towards the kitchen and even after that dreadful run I smiled as i saw my dad cooking and my mom dancing elegantly while looking at him. The love in their eyes was clearly visible. Even a blind man could feel the energy in the room. They stopped in-between as they looked at me. With my messy hair, panting breath and dirt on my clothes I'm sure I looked like a forest mess.

My parents looked at each other. But this time it was like they were communicating silently with their eyes and ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. "What happened sweetie? Are you okay?" My mother asked. "I'm okay. It's a long story. I'll tell you later." I said. "Why dont you share the details over breakfast Lulu?" My dad asked softly. He was the kind of guy who was all strong and buff on the outside but had dimples and was like a cuddly bear on the inside. I nodded as I quietly took a seat at the table. My dad laid out the plate which had an omelette with jam and toast on the side. I hummed as the delicious smell hit my nose.

But as I was about to dive into my plate black spots appeared at the end of my vision and I tried to say something before something happened. "Umm guys. I dont feel so good." And as soon as the words were out of my mouth comforting darkness wrapped its arms around me as the adrenaline from my tiresome and horrible morning run rushed away and I gladly accepted the tranquility of it.

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