IV - Leila

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"Oh sweetie. What...what were you doing outside our room?" my mom, sorry my adoptive mom said nervously. 

"Is it true? Tell me. Am I adopted?" I asked with the coldest voice possible because if I don't do that I might shatter into a million pieces. 

"It's...yes honey it's true. But we were planning on telling you soon, we swear." "Yeah. I heard." My dad was unexpectedly quiet and when I looked over to him I could tell he was getting more upset. There was a hint of nervousness in his voice when he answered. "Lulu, please let us explain." "Right sure. Go ahead." I was still hanging on to my cold facade but it was going to break soon. And they knew it too. 

"Well." my so-called father started but my so-called mother interrupted him. Okay I have got to stop doing that. "We first found you when you were just a little baby. I..we were taking a walk through the woods and we heard you crying. It was dark and stormy out so we couldn't find any clues on who might have left you there. We'd been trying for about 3 years to have a child but Martin said that it just wasn't possible. So when we saw you, we knew that you were the one." my mom finished saying while smiling a little as if remembering the exact moment.

"You may not be our real daughter but your mother and I, we've always thought of you as our little ray of sunshine Lule." my dad added proudly. "You didn't have anything with you either except a vague note saying 'Please take care of her. She's going to change the world'." My mom said while digging through her drawers and taking out the said note and giving it to me. 

I sighed. Damn it. "Listen, I love you guys and I know you didn't mean to harm me or hurt me in any way. I forgive you but I...I need some time to process alright? So I'm just going to uhh go clear my head and I will be back soon. Yeah?" I said while slowly backing out of their room. They looked at me with confusion as if trying to say 'That's it?' but I didn't waste any time. As soon as I could feel the door handle in my hands, I ran off like I was running a marathon and I never looked back. I could hear them shouting and asking me to come back but I didn't listen. Before I knew it, tears were flowing down my cheeks and to the ground. I ran as far away as I could into the woods. The sun was about to set and I knew it was a dangerous time to go out but I didn't care. Not a single freaking bit. 

I slumped down the side of a tree and cried because it hurt way more than I imagined. I felt so cheated and angry and I don't know. So many things rushed through my mind as I tried taking deep breaths. I failed. After about a good 15 minutes I finally managed to calm down and then I started thinking. Like any normal person would. 

First, I knew it was odd for me to have let's just say weird eyes while my mom had green and my dad black. Second, I always somehow felt out of place at home and to be honest, sometimes with my parents. Third, it was strange that they never told me about the day I was born. They somehow always seemed to distract me from the question. Damn it. That's on me. Fourth, the avid reader in me used to imagine that I was adopted and that my real parents were a big deal. Like heroes or something you know. But can you blame me? I'm sure others imagine stuff like that too. 

I was about to go on when I heard a rustle a few feet away from me. My senses sharpened and I got more alert of my surroundings. I tried to look around while trying not to move too much so as to not make the possible attacker aware that well I was aware. Something jumped from beside me and tried to tackle me down but I happen to have some training so I used that and it was now the other way around. Oh, a little info? I kind of always carry a small blade with me. Yeah, don't ask. Anyway, I shoved the blade to my attacker's throat and pressed it roughly. 

As my eyes cleared up a bit, I realized that my attacker was well beautiful. He had this messy raven black hair with a few streaks of blue and weirdly gorgeous orange eyes that shined brightly even in the dark. He was lean but muscular and I could feel his rock hard chest beneath me and when I looked down, oh sweet baby Jesus, what I saw. Tattoos covering his entire body. 

But before I could observe any further, he started speaking. "Well, well." He had with this absurdly sexy, husky voice that could make any girl swoon with pleasure. What was that term again? Right, he had that panty-melting voice and face too apparently. I glanced down to his lips and they looked so kissable that I had to pull myself back. I shaked my head and refocused. This stranger attacked you Leila. You are not taking him to bed. 

"Little birdie's all grown up, I see." "What the hell does that mean?" I asked as I pressed the blade further. I think his neck was bleeding a little but he didn't seem to mind so I didn't care either. Wait, why is he so calm in this situation? I'm the one with all the power here. Are you? That voice again. I gasped as I felt his hands on my waist. Oh the delicious tingles that I felt when his hands grazed that tiny portion of my bare skin between my tank top and my shorts. I almost let him go. I repeat, almost. 

"Hands off mister." I said with my most dominating voice. He just smirked and let his hands go down further. I pushed him off. God why are all the good-looking one's all assholes? "Hmm" he said as he circled me. Like a predator circling a prey. "Little Lu. My, how've you grown." I ignored what he said even though I was downright confused why a stranger was acting like he's known me for forever. "Who are you and why the hell are you here?" 

"Who am I?" he chuckled. "Oh you'll know soon enough." And with those words I found myself knocked out for the 3rd time in days. Or was it fourth? I tried to put up a fight but it seemed this time I was drugged.

Son of a bitch.

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