VI - Ray

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I was up long before she ever woke up. I mean it was way harder to sleep next to her than I thought and I do not mean that in a pervy way. She was shivering in her sleep so I slipped under the covers to provide her with some warmth. Okay, I admit that everything I say sounds perverted but I'm a good guy. I think. It felt good to be with her again. She was snarky as usual but in a cute kind of way. I watched as she let out this little snore and I could barely keep in my smile. She shifted in her sleep and I knew she was about to wake up. So, I did what every other normal guy would do. I pretended I was asleep. 

I could feel her brain working even when my eyes were closed. She was a curious little thing. I don't know what came over me when I felt her trying to get out of bed but I pulled her back to me. Damn it. I could feel her gaze on me and I felt kind of squirmy when suddenly she pushed my hair back and it felt so nice that I grabbed her hand. The whole moment kind of felt like a dream because seeing her after all these years is just well a dream come true. The first time I saw her in that forest kind of broke my heart a bit. She was crying her eyes out and all I wanted was to comfort her. What I didn't expect was for her to have training. Her reflexes were on point and it was really hot for some reason.

Anyway, now that my supposed act is over, I have work to do so I acted like I had just woken up by her hand pushing my hair back and said whatever came to my mind. "Hey." I could see she was affected by me. Maybe not that much but a little. That's good, I guess. She replied with a simple, "Hi." This felt so normal. Waking up next to each other in each other's arms and all that shit. 

"Dude. First, you snatch me up from my own home and now you want to get all cuddly? What the fuck is wrong with you? And who are you and what am I doing here and.." God, she was so feisty. Damn it. Stupid hormones. Work. We've got work to do. "Now, now. All will be answered on time. For now, let's go have some breakfast shall we?" said silly, old me trying to act like I was some weirdo who was hundred years old. 

I was well aware that I was in just my joggers but I wanted to play with her just a bit so I did what I had wanted to do since the moment I saw her. I went closer but then she asked me the most innocent question I've honestly ever been asked. "Why aren't you wearing anything?" Oh this was gonna be fun. "Because little birdie, you stole all my clothes." I said casually with my most annoying smirk. "Say what?" I saw her breath hitch and God, I was so close to losing control as it was and her flushed face and those curious and innocent eyes of hers weren't helping at all.  "Oh, you don't remember? You woke up in your drugged state and started stripping down. That was when Craig realized that feeling excessive heat was a side effect of the drug. You then continued to say the most improper profanities while also stealing my clothes literally off my body. And that was only a part of it." That was when I realized she had dived into the memory and her face which I thought couldn't get more flushed did just that and my poor body, mind and soul could not bear it anymore.

"Oh shit." I heard her say. My, how those dirty words sounded from those pouty lips of hers. I shuddered before even realizing what I was doing but thankfully, she didn't notice. "Oh shit indeed Lucile." "My name isn't Lucile dumbass. It's Leila." I should go. Yep, any further indulgence in this and this is going to be very bad. "We'll see." I just smirked, said it and exited the room as fast as I could. I don't think she even realized because I could see the wheels turning in her head. 

I sighed as I got out of that room and finally came back to my senses. It was much colder outside than inside. Actually, it was burning hot in there. I started walking down the stairs when I realized I wasn't wearing anything and my clothes were most inappropriate for my 'reputation' like I've heard a thousand times. "Mike, right?" I asked the guy walking past me. "Uh. yes sir?" "Bring a set of clean clothes for me, will you? Oh and not from my room. Don't you dare enter my room or let anyone else for that matter." I heard the guy hurry away, mumbling a little 'yes sir' and I smiled at how people were still scared of me after that incident took place.

The clothes were in front of my face. Literally, in less than 5 minutes. I swear the guy looked like he was going to shit himself any moment. I sighed. I have got to clear this stupid misunderstanding. I made my way to the dining room which was more like a hall in a way. They had this long-ass table and chandeliers and candle lights with that medieval kind of wallpaper. They were all old pricks with old-fashioned tastes and ideals. I sighed. This was going to be a long day. 

"Mr. Kroone." I stilled. He wasn't supposed to be here like for a week at the least. "My apologies. I decided to drop in earlier than expected." He said, though he looked anything but apologetic.

"My lord, what a pleasure to have you back here again so soon." I said. 

"Of course. Have you found the girl yet?" He asked with an urgency I have never seen in his eyes before. I hesitated before answering. I wasn't particularly sure he had good intentions for Lucile but I had no choice but to answer him. "Yes, my lord. She was drugged in the process of recovering her so she is resting." What I failed to mention was how she was awake and trained to perfection. By Jake, most probably. 

"Good. I expect to see her up and around soon Mr. Kroone." 

"Yes, of course my lord."

As he turned around to leave, I sighed in relief. Nothing good ever comes out of a surprise visit from the one and only Huntsman. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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