II - Leila

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She whimpered as she went further inside her blankie. The noises were so scary. They were like a monster's. So loud and horrid. A few tears escaped and she let them flow. She called out to Mommy and Daddy but.....they never came.

I heard 2 voices as I faded in and out of consciousness. "Martin, is she alright?" a voice that was definitely my mother's and another person. Oh right. The family doctor, Martin.

"Yes Kara she's perfectly fine. It was just lack of food and sleep. I'll send a sedative with Travis when he comes to stay here. It'll help her sleep for a little longer than she normally does and this should never happen again."

"And if it does?" My mom tentatively asked.
"Then it's the same situation. Or it could be that it's almost time."

I couldn't hear anything after that because I went back to the quiet corner in my mind and slept. The second time I woke up I heard my parents arguing about something.

"Jake we have to tell her the truth. She's not a baby anymore."
"No. We'll tell her. Just not now. When she's older." My father said firmly.
"What do you mean when she's older. She's almost 16. Jake we have to or else she won't...."

I tried to stay awake but I couldn't hear much after that. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the brightness of my room. "Morning sleepyhead." "Shut up Travis." He chuckled and said "Be careful don't...Annndd there you go, not listening to me again" he said as I  quickly sat up and immediately felt dizzy. I sighed, this felt horrible.

I got out of bed and heard him say "Take your medicines Lolly" "Stop calling me that you jerk. I'm not a kid anymore." He'd always called her that. No matter how many times she scolded him he couldn't stop doing it. When we were first introduced, we were around 6 years old and now we're almost 16. Time sure flies. Well Travis, the dumbass that he was, couldn't pronounce my name properly and from then on the word 'Lolly' was created. 

Travis here was Martin's son and one of my best friends. It was fun having him around. He'd always come stay on weekends and leave soon after. Today was one of those days. "Well I'm gonna go help Kara with the household chores unlike a certain someone. I was just waiting for you, Miss Grumpy-Pants, to wake up and now that you are, adios." I flipped him off but he was already out of my room. "Sí claro. ¡Estúpido!" I caught a distant, "I heard that" from him which I'm not sure how exactly. Anyway, I took the medication and drank some water after which I took a long shower. Then came the most interesting part of the day. Combat training.

"Ugh. C'mon." I growled as my trainer A.K.A. my dad beat my ass for the hundredth time today. It sucks to be bad at something that I actually like. Or maybe I'm not that bad. Maybe dad has more experience. "Let's stop for today Lulu. Go get some rest." I let out a frustrated whine that kind of sounded like a rat dying. I know. "One more time" I said with conviction. This time I'd get one hit at least. "Oh look. She's still getting her ass beat. Shocker." A smirking Travis said from behind me. "Language." My mom shouted from somewhere but I could tell she was trying hard not to laugh. I childishly stuck my tongue out at him and turned back around.

I looked at my father and gave him a curt nod saying that I was ready. He sighed and we both took our positions. Again. I was mostly trying to keep my mind off of what happened yesterday. It was tough as hell but I managed. Kind of. We circled each other, waiting patiently for the other to attack first. I looked into his eyes and it was obvious he was concerned about me. Before I had a chance to think more deeply on that, he striked. 

My dad and I each had a stick. It was easy if you thought about it. Whoever got the first hit won. Simple right? You're so wrong. I had mastered hand to hand combat but this? This here was tricky. He jumped to attack me from above but I blocked it. I tried sneaking in an attack from the side but failed. Miserably. But I saved myself from falling down on the mat, which would mean game over. This went on for a few minutes when suddenly I felt something watching me. 

It wasn't Travis, nor my parents and there was no one else around us either. I got the same chilly vibe as I previously did and it still shocked me to my bones. I froze and before I could come back to my senses and block my dad's hit, that hit me straight in my face mind you, I blacked out. 


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