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3rd person

 Kim Taehyung, the second oldest of the maknae line.

"We're really going to start here?" Yoongi asked as he stared at the screen of Taehyung's phone. "Can't we just get to the scene so we could get on with it already?"

The younger couldn't help but laugh, "Eager much?"

Taehyung is usually very clingy and touchy when it comes to Yoongi — they all are very touchy when it comes to Yoongi — but the point is, that even though Yoongi may not be the person who likes physical contact that much, he can never say no to Taehyung.

Yoongi stopped reading and scoffed, "That's not true."

The younger smirked, "Oh? Then, please tell me a time where you had said no to whatever I wanted."

Yoongi began to think. His memory is pretty good for an average person because of all the songs that he had composed before. He needed to find at least one memory to prove to Taehyung that he can easily say no to him.

But he didn't. He couldn't remember a single word.

Taehyung's lips tugged into an even wider smirk, "Well?"

"You're just very persuasive."

Actually, Yoongi can never say no to any of his members, especially the maknae line. Which is why, just like Jimin, they would sometimes take advantage of this.

With consent of course.

Another trait that Taehyung is famous for is being possessive of his things.

He would share his things to his members sometimes but there are also times that Taehyung wants to keep some things to himself.

As Yoongi finished reading, he suddenly felt Taehyung's arms wrapping around his torso, pulling him closer and tighter while he sat on Taehyung's lap.

"That's great Yoongi-ssi, I'm happy to hear that!" A voice laughed.

Taehyung doesn't like to meddle with other people's businesses but when he heard Yoongi's name, his member, he wasted no time and walked right next to the two.

Yoongi and one of the staff are talking and laughing to each other, acting like they're such great friends.

He's a social butterfly himself and everyone knows that Yoongi doesn't like human contact that much, especially when it comes to people he's not very close with.

So it was a new sight for Taehyung to see Yoongi act so close to the staff.

"I can't believe how accurate this is."

Sure, Yoongi can have as many friends as he likes and Taehyung has absolutely no problem with that but there are times that his hyung is just as innocent and oblivious as he was when he was Jungkook's age.

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