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3rd person

"Do you think there's something going on with Yoongi hyung and Taehyung?" Jimin asks out of the blue.

Hoseok stops typing on his computer and turns his head over his shoulder behind him to give his member a confused look. He and Jimin are in his studio right now to finish up some of their songs.

He invited Jimin to come over to his studio to help with the songs and tracks that he is working on since the house is empty. Namjoon and Seokjin are out on a meeting, Jungkook is in a photoshoot, and Taehyung is with Yoongi doing god-knows-what.

"You mean the fact that Taehyung has gotten clingier with Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok asked and received a nod. "It's not really that suspicious, it's just Taehyung being himself."

But Jimin shakes his head, "No, hyung, it's more than that — it's more than just Taehyung acting clingier than usual. Have you seen the way they look at each other? The way that they are always together and spend most of the time alone in their rooms together?"

This made Hoseok rethink his answer, "Well, when you say it like that —"

"— And do not get me started with Yoongi hyung suddenly wearing turtlenecks in the middle of July!"

Jimin seemed stressed, Hoseok can see this, but he doesn't understand the reason behind all of this. He quickly gazed at Jimin's hands tightly gripping the side of the chair like he is about to break anything once he blows up.

He lets out a sigh, already having an idea, "Alright, you need to calm down first —"

"— I am calm!"

Hoseok raises one of his brows, gesturing to Jimin's voice raising and the way he almost jumps off his seat and onto his feet just to prove a point. The younger finally realizes this and slowly sits back down on his chair and takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

"There we go," Hoseok smiles encouragingly but Jimin just stares at him with a deadpan look. "I am not really sure why you're so obsessed with this but whatever those two are doing shouldn't be our business — even if I'm curious myself — and even if they're doing some crazy shit, they'd probably tell us as soon as they're ready."

Still, Jimin just stared at him with his arms crossed.

He sighs and adds one more sentence, "Even if they're actually fucking each other or something, it's nothing to get jealous about."

Like a flicker of light, Jimin's eyes immediately widened at what his member just said.

"Who said I was jealous?!" He exclaimed, his lips forming a pout on his face as he dips lower into the cushions of his chair. Hoseok could almost laugh at how Jimin is acting like a child right now.

"I'm not jealous! Why am I jealous if Taehyung is always spending time with Yoongi hyung, always touching him, always laughing and smiling with him, always being the reason why he's smiling... always... always..."

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