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3rd person

Everyone knew that Yoongi has always had a soft spot for the younger ones in the group. No matter what other people might say about how cold and snob Yoongi may act sometimes — always trying to avoid any physical contact from others or any affectionate conversations — in his own ways, his members know that he really cares about them.

And they all know that when it comes to the maknae line, Min Yoongi is a goner.

Yoongi is affectionate in his own ways and is usually like this back in the comfort of their own home. The members are used to seeing grumpy and quiet Yoongi all the time but seeing their usually grumpy member blushing red and always grinning is new territory for the hyung line of the group.

Seokjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon shrugged it off at first but as the days went on, they finally take notice of the strange change of personality from Yoongi. Their member has been hanging out with the maknae line often now and that may not be new, there is certainly something going on between the four of them that the other three don't know.

Secret glances, hushed whispers, clingy and affectionate physical contacts, hushed giggles, and secret grins are getting more obvious. It is unusual to see the four of them hanging out and clinging to each other like koalas all the time.

Seokjin also noticed that the maknae line suddenly became territorial of Yoongi. They would glare at anyone who touches him or goes near the said member which raised his suspicions even more.

"Oh, Jin hyung, are you leaving too?" A voice came from behind Seokjin.

He turns around to see Taehyung standing by the living room with his phone in his hand. He shakes his head in response, "No, I just had to tell Namjoon to make sure Hobi doesn't overdo dance practice again before he leaves."

"You know how Hobi gets when it comes to dance practice."

The younger chuckles, "He turns into Yoongi hyung, but dance practice version."

Seokjin chuckles as well, "Speaking of Yoongi, have you seen him?"

"He's in his room," Taehyung replies. "He didn't want to move, remember? He said his body hurts or something like that."

The older's brows furrow, "I don't even know the reason why his body is sore. We didn't even do any hardcore practices this week."

In response, Taehyung only forces an innocent chuckle, "Well, I better go to his room now, he agreed on joining me to watch Ghibli movies."

"Aren't having out a little bit too much with Yoongi lately?" Seokjin couldn't help but ask before Taehyung could even walk to Yoongi's room. "Not that I'm complaining, but you're hogging my Yoongichi."

The younger chuckles, "I just like hanging out with him, is that bad?"

"Well, no, but it's just suspicious."

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