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Shuichi felt a strange feeling wash over him, one full of curiosity. His mind had been wondering for the past two hours, the night time announcement had gone off already.

Saihara was usually able to sleep easily, but today he just couldn't, thoughts clouded with how he and his classmates could escape.

They were stuck in a killing game, who wouldn't want to escape? The third trial had just ended, haunting images of the corpses Shuichi had to see. His feelings dragged him to his room door, Shuichi opened it; leaving to head outside.

It was no surprise that he needed a breather, after Kaede passed, he had never been the same. More upset, the blank expression he always wore being more and more like a frown.

He tried to tiptoe past the main dormitory area, looking around attentively. His hair was practically standing up, Saihara was terrified at the thought of being murdered.

He still wore his hat, he had grabbed it on the way out. Even with no one around, he desperately tugged it down to hide his face.

Eventually going outside, he was met with such a dark place. A few stars could be seen from the cage they were stuck in, Shuichi looked up in wonder.

His eyes skimmed the sky lightly, just to glance down to the other side of the path. There stood Rantaro, his attention also fixated on the top of the dome.

Their eyes met, Saihara flinching slightly. He hadn't expected to be spotted. All of his clothing was a dark shade, blending in pretty well with the night surroundings.

"Shuichi, hey!" Amami called out, his voice was low but changed in pitch as he got to the end of his sentence. "Barely even saw you there."

Saihara's eyes darted everywhere, almost acting as if the other wasn't talking to him, perhaps someone else. "Hi, sorry if I scared you."

"It's alright, just wasn't expecting you to be out here at this time of night." The low rumble of a chuckle came from Rantaro. "Come over here, gotta talk to you."

Shuichi took up the offer, timidly walking over. The realisation that he could probably be killed right there and then didn't come across his mind as well, but that was until he was pretty much in Rantaro's personal bubble.

Saihara made it clear that he was worried, eyebrows drawing upwards and his lips trembling slightly.

The taller noticed, frowning. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." He placed a hand into Shuichi's back, attempting to initiate comfort.

Saihara unconsciously leaned into the touch, possibly placing every ounce of his trust into Amami's hands.

Rantaro grinned, using his other hand to point up at the sky. "You see that little crack in the dome up there?" Shuichi followed where he was referring to, his eyes glancing up to the tiniest little crack.

"How did you notice that?"

"Good eye sight," Amami swallowed thickly. "If something was to hit it hard enough, do you think the entire thing would shatter? So we could escape?"

"Probably." Saihara bit his lip slightly, trying to think of how that plan could go. "But, what could we hit it with?"

"I don't know... I was hoping you'd have an idea."

"Why's that?" Shuichi raised an eyebrow.

Rantaro giggled sheepishly. "Well, um. I assumed it's because you're a detective and stuff, so you'd know."

"I'm not really a detective..."

"You're the ultimate detective, Shuichi."

"I only solved a case... By luck." Shuichi sighed.

"You solved one of the highest in demand cases by luck? You think you don't deserve that ultimate title?" Rantaro was now glaring daggers into the other boy, he thought so highly of everyone. Shuichi really admired that.

"Mhm. I don't," Saihara felt his face drop. "I'll never be a good detective."

Amami moved his hands, cupping the smaller's face. He forced Saihara to look at him directly. "You're a great detective, I hope you realise that one day. I will tell you that every single day."

Shuichi averted his gaze, face glowing a light pink. He quickly tugged down his hat with the space he had.

Rantaro didn't like that, with a flick of a finger the cap fell to the floor. They gazed at each other for around five seconds, that was before Amami leaned in a bit.

Saihara could feel the cold silver of Rantaro's rings, they felt a bit weird. However, it was basically a global agreement that the amount of accessories the man wore was so extremely attractive.

Shuichi had never thought too deeply about sexuality, he definitely knew that he wasn't straight. He always thought that he had been in love with Kaede, but the butterflies in his stomach when he was with Rantaro could never compare.

Amami's expression softened, dipping down a few inches more to tenderly brush his lips against Saihara's. It was a gentle connection.

Both of their eyes slid shut, Shuichi's arms moving to shyly tangle in Rantaro's hair. He pulled softly on the locks, a tongue slipping into his mouth as a response.

Their tongues swirled for a few minutes, saliva being swapped. Amami pulled away for a breather, just to return almost immediately.

What they didn't know was that Kaito had just walked out of the dorms, he kept his high posture until his eyes set on the scene.

Rantaro had heard the footsteps, he opened one of his eyes ever so slightly, not wanting to ruin the moment he had actually been waiting for since he set eyes on the detective.

Momota and Amami's eyes met, Kaito just sending a thumbs up and a smile before jogging off for his midnight walk.

Rantaro smiled into the kiss, pushing harder for a bit before retracting. Shuichi was flushed red, not wanting to meet the other's gaze.

"It's quite late, we should get some sleep. I'll walk you back to your room." Amami spoke, brushing a few strands of Saihara's hair out of his face.

Shuichi nodded without a word, now being led to his room where he was dropped off, Rantaro heading to his own soon after.

All the boy could do was slide down his door, fingers grazing his lips in pure disbelief.

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