We need to get out of here

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Cancer POV-

We went inside the disturbing car, I assumed it was a man by their deep voice. " do you guys want some drinks ?, I have some if you want" he offered looking through the rearview mirror, " No... we're fine" I answered. We stayed in the car " Could you drive us to the gas station? " Taurus asked, " sure, sure, " the man said beginning to drive turning his headlights on then putting on piano music on the radio.

" You ok? " Taurus asked while I was looking out the window, " no.. I don't have a good feeling about this" I'd whisper to Taurus.
" Stop being like that, nothing is going to happen" Taurus spoke, " I'm telling you-" I got interrupted.  Taurus would cover my mouth put my head on his shoulder.

Sometime later...

My eyes would see the gas station but suddenly he'd
pass by it, " Why did you pass the gas station?.." I glanced back at the station then looked at the man."Oh, I just have to grab some things, and besides my house is beside the gas station " He chuckled beginning to park his car in his garage. My hands would land on Taurus's shoulder shaking him to wake up, " I'll be right back " the man got out of the car leaving the garage, " Taurus wake up!"  I warned as he began waking up. " What's wrong...wait why are we a garage?" Taurus started getting concerned, " What did I say, we should have never gone in this car. We need to get out of here "I sigh. " Well let's just get out of the car and leave, just follow me " Taurus instructed, and so we did. We'd both open the door looking around with a bright light on the ceiling, then there was a shotgun hanging on a wall that gave me the chills.

Then the door opened, and it was a man. He stared at me and Taurus, after he looked at us he'd glance over at the shotgun.

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