~Chapter 5~

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***I usually write fanfics for myself, but I decided to post this one, so sorry if the last two to three chapters are not what you wanted. They are probably a mess and don't make sense.


   She wrapped the familiar braid into a bun and tied it off. Fenrys bounced his head back and forth to test the strength.

For a month Fenrys had come to her to get his hair done for when he worked out, and each morning she complied. It was a steady routine that they followed and now she grew used to.

They awoke at early hours of the morning when Fenrys decided to work out. She would do his hair and together they would go outside. The weather changed, and Evangeline could finally journey outside without a jacket. While he did his exercises, she would start on her assignments for the day, after all she was the Lady of Arran and had responsibilities.

Those responsibilities occupied her time until dinner, but at least Fenrys helped her when he could. He just always seemed to be there. She couldn't even say he was her shadow, following her where ever she went, because she noticed him.

Evangeline noticed the way he laughed, the way he talked, and yes—she noticed his build. No woman could ignore his powerful body. He didn't even try, Fenrys himself knew he looked good.

She watched him a lot more than friends should. If they were even friends. He once said they were—

"We almost died together, we sleep in the same room and see each other constantly. I think we're friends, Sunshine."

So they're friends, that's fun and all, but secretly she longed for more. Every day could be like this for the rest of her life if she just asked. But, no. She was pathetic and scared.

   Evangeline got changed and brought her paperwork outside where Fenrys was already going at it. She sat on the ground and started to work. "What are you doing today?"

   She scanned the map, "The children in Arran are multiplying like rabbits and parents are requesting a new school."

   He didn't stop his push ups when he asked, "Where's it going to be built?"

   "That's what I'm deciding now as well as how much am I going to spend on it."

   "Is Darrow going to supervise this project?" Darrow used to breath down her shoulders about things with work, but lately has backed off, though she was sure it had to do with his health. In the month Fenrys had been here, Darrow had not left his room. She wondered if he even knew Fenrys was here.

"It's all left to me."

He switched to curl ups, and Evangeline had a hard time focusing on her work. He just made it look so easy. She met his onyx eyes and held them as he went up and down.

Now! Tell him now, her body screamed at her. She had the courage to open her mouth, but not enough to let anything come out of it. The dozens of little doubts ran through her head and stopped her.

   He was fae, she was human.

   Fenrys is an ambassador and would be gone for weeks at a time.

   Each different thought was a strike to her heart.

Evangeline eventually swallowed her frustrated scream and refocused on her map.


She tried again at dinner.

The conversation between them was fun and light. It should have been effortless, but by the end of the meal she couldn't bring herself to ruin the mood.

Time was running out. She had not been attacked once, and eventually Fenrys is going to realize he has much better things to be doing with his time.


Evangeline gripped the edge of her nightgown and stared at the ceiling. He was awake on the floor mattress next to her, all she had to do was open her mouth.

It was a long day and her brain felt as if it was mush. Maybe that's why she finally had the bravery to climb out of her bed and tip toed over to where Fenrys was sprawled out.

She laid herself under the covers, and he scooted over to give her more room. "I like you," she announced to him and he tensed.

Fenrys let out a nervous laugh, "I...um...friends have the tendency to like each other."

Gods, she was going to have to give more context. "I like you as in I wouldn't mind kissing kind of way." This conversation was painful, and she wanted to choke herself.

   "Oh." What?!

   Her temper flared. Why couldn't he give her a yes or no answer? "Oh? Do you like me or not Fenrys? Chose."

   He swallowed, and the nervous laughter started again.

   She sighed and slid out of the bed. Why did she even—

   A hand grabbed her foot and pulled her back onto the mattress. Those Onyx eyes held her in place yet again today. "You have to give me more that a couple  of seconds to think about it, Sunshine. You have obviously been thinking about it all day while I still need time to process it."

   She gulped, "How long do you want?"

   "No time. I already know my answer."

   "Are you going to share it?"

   "Nah, I might wait a few minutes for the suspense to kill you."

   Evangeline glared at him, "Tell me now or I'm going to—"

   "Going to what," he asked with a taunting smirk.

   "Kiss you, and if you kiss me back I'll have my answer."

   "That would be—" She cut him off with her lips. This wasn't her first kiss, and sure hoped it wasn't her last when Fenrys pulled her closer and kissed her back. She loved the way her body felt against his and how their lips fit perfectly together.

   When he broke the kiss, she was hot and breathless. "I like you, just in case you haven't guessed."

   "Good. I like you. You like me. Now shut up and kiss me again."

   Chuckling, he did.


   Before sleep took her that night, Fenrys had kissed both her scars and said, "That's all you get for tonight."

   The past ten years have been more than she ever hoped for, and she was grateful for every second of it. But the happiness she felt then couldn't compare to the way she felt now with Fenrys.

   As Evangeline fell asleep last night cuddled against him, she should have known it wouldn't last.

   The next morning a servant tugged her awake with wide eyes. "Darrow is dead." Her stomach dropped, and a sickening feeling took place.

   "In his sleep," Evangeline asked hopefully.

   The servant shook her head, "His throat was slit. This note was pinned to his body."

   Evangeline ignored the flakes of blood on the note and opened it.

   The ink read—

   We know what you've done. Your fae warrior can't save you. You are a dead girl walking and your days are numbered.

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