Meeting a Old friend pet and fire chicken

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(You can listen to this when Y/n kick through the door if you want... Im trying to match soul of cinder with different theme songs ;w;)

Y/n Pov

After the battle. Rias Peerage and i are at the Occult Research Club celebrating there Victory.

Rias:"we must congratulate are selves for surviving the battle against Cinder-San"

Everyone nod there head while koneko sits next to me as im staring into the bonfire then rias had said something else.

Rias:"oh ! Its the perfect time to get Familiars for you 2."

Issei:"really ?"

Turning my head to look at issei and asia.

"Yes issei. Its the perfect time to get a familiar. Now lets go everyone."

Akeno:"hm ? Cinder-san. You don't have a familiar either ?" Tilting my head

"Correct. I dont have a familiar" walking to them along with koneko and stand next to all of them

Rias:"ok then. Lets go" using my power red insigna appears and expands on the floor and envelope all of us.

After rias use her magic were all now in the familiar forest. I start looking around the place and it was the same as last time.

???:"Who wants me !"

Looking up i see a crackhead with red hair and tank top with shorts as well carrying a backpack ? With gloves on ? Yeah straight up 100 % crackh-


Looking up i see a middle age man with red hair and back on standing on one of the tree branches while issei just mouth off.

???:"The name is Zatouji ! The master of familiar forest !"

Then he start rhyming off some other stuff. While akeno explain who he is to issei and asia.

Zatouji:"now tell me what you want ! A fast one ? A strong one ? Or one that shoots fire out it's mouth ?"

Well this going to be awhile...


After issei failed getting a familiar and Asia Little blue dragon is her familiar i see a big cave.

"Familiar master Zatouji"

Everyone stop and looks at me while im looking at the cave. At the right with many trees.

Zatouji:"Yes Cinder-san ?"

"What's that cave over there ?"

Zatouji:"ah ! In there lies a wolf. Not ordinary one. She a huge one."

She ? Wait.... Don't tell me. No way its not possible... Or maybe.

"I shall see what this wolf looks like"

Zatouji:"ok ! We shall all head there !"

We all walk towards the entrance of the cave while everyone was talking amongst themselves.

Issei:"this cave give me the creeps... Like something going to happen to us once we walk inside there."

Kiba:"don't worry. I'm sure the familiar master would do something about it" smiling while walking


Once we are at the entrance. We all enter and to see how it looks like

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