Battle Test pt.1

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No one Pov

Its night and as we loom over the occult research club and zoom inside we see the head president Rias Gremory and her pawn Issei Hyoudou and Bishop Asia Argento.

Asia: "okki doki im all set."

Issei: getting up "alright asia and i are ready to hand out some flyers." Looking at rias "how bout it ? Ready to go asia?" Looking at asia

Rias: "now hold on now" getting up and having her usual smile "your guys flyer days are over .handing out flyers is a familiar job"

Issei: "awesome. So is this some like promotion ?"

Rias: "i guess you can call it something like that" looking over at issei then smiles at the both of them
"But first thing first we need to find you two familiars first"

Timeskip brought you by chibi y/n igniting school on fire with a touch of a finger

Thrid pov

As the Gremory having a discussion and were close to ending there there talk till they heard a knock on the door.

Akeno: "yes ?"

And in walks the Sitri peerage. All them walking in as they all have there trademark facial expression.

Sona:"hello rias"

Y/n pov

"Is it ok Zeoticus and zephys ?"

Lord zeoticus and zephys: "yes Cinder san"

"Ha ha ha. Ok. Come watch if you like all of you."

As i said that they nod and i turn around and is engulf with flame and form when hearing saji saying something.

Saji:"can it D-Bag. You and your gaggle slutly sluts dont deserve to be in the same room of group the distinguish devils like the sitri's" smirking with pride

Issei:"hey! You take that back!"

Saji:"aw he's mad. Not even gay prince charming can protect you. I took up four pawn piece bro" holding four fingers while still smirking

Sona:"he took up eight pawn pieces. Its always to better check your facts before you make a complete fool of yourself."

Saji:"wait wha-"

"Arrogant and a naive child..."

Everyone in the room turn to me in surprise. As for saji he's cowering in fear

"Your pathetic fool. Cocky little brats like you can end up six feet under with that kind of attitude boy."

Saji:"o-oh yeah ! Then how come you let that leader of fallen angel get'ch-"

He was silence as you have your coiled sword directly under his jaw as for everyone else there tense and witnessing this at first hand.

"Yes he got me. Cause i was foolish to look away. I did kill him ? Did i ?...." Saji nodding his head while still scare as your coiled sword tip is pressing against his neck "the same can happen to you if you keep this up boy..." Putting away your coiled sword and look at everyone

As you put your sword away everyone sigh in relief thinking they were going to witness something that never saw.

"So you both rias and sona sitri peerage are having a debate on who should go to the familiar forest ?.."

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