Reunion&Roasting a Crow

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No one PoV

In a char & scorch land fill with many dead troops from the 3 Faction all 3 factions loss most of there troops in the great war... Devils either cut down and kill or blown into bits and pieces as well for the other 2 factions but theres a lone figure that sitting in front of a bon fire

 Devils either cut down and kill or blown into bits and pieces as well for the other 2 factions but theres a lone figure that sitting in front of a bon fire

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Y/n: "Been millennia since the great war... And i will kill that fallen angel for attacking me from behind as i will take his soul.."

As you said that you stand up to your full height (like in dark souls 3) and take out your Coil sword then start to walk from the battlefield to search the Gremory residents.


After walking for 10 hours i see a mansion that i never saw before with fountain and large field

Y/n: "hmm?...." Continues to walk forward

Zeoticus pov

As i was busy with talking with Zechs along with Lord Sitri as well Lady sitri along with my lovely wife Venelana. While we were talking a rapid knock can be heard

"Come in !"

Maid: "lord gremory there a burning knight walking here on your property !"

My eyes widen at this news... It can't be ! Or is it ?...many things run through my mind as well Lord sitri and lady sitri.

"Does he have a crown shape helmet ?"

Maid: "yes lord gremory."

My eyes widen even more. "I can't believe it... Family personal Guard is still alive."

Venelana: "who is it you speaking of dear ?" Looking over at zeoticus

"My grandfather and grandmother personal guard...the burning knight...hell spawn...Soul of cinder still lives til this day"

Sirzech:"Soul of Cinder ?"

After are son said that i feel heat coming from below as well hear footsteps coming closer to this very door and hear a knock

"Come in !"

The door opens and there stand the same knight that serve the family for eons and reeks of raw power and heat but is holding back his flames and making the room inside return to normal

"Cinder... Its been too long. Do you remember me ?"

Couple minutes ago

Y/n pov

As i walk in the Gremory new Estate i take a look around as i see garden and bushes and all these new stuff i have not seen before and i was already in front of the door of the Mansion and knock to see a maid open the door for me.

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