Whose Flame's Burn Brighter 2 Pt

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Third Pov

The Four Rooks. The Black Knight's ,And Riser's Rooks Clash with one Another. The Sounds on Metal meet flesh and Slashing that whistles through the Battlefield Echos throughout the arena in the underworld. They already been going at it for 2 hrs as the knights proves to be overwhelming Riser's rooks.

Isabela and Black Knight (Great Axe)

Isabela:"Hell ! These Damn Knights Are Fuckin Fast and Strong !" Ducks a horizontal slash from the Great Axe "I'm starting to get worn out right now" dash in and readies a right hook and punch the black knight in the gut

Isabela:"Ha ! Got you now damn black Knight !" Smirks "now to fin-"

Third Pov

She thought she beaten the Black knight. She was wrong to turn her back on to a opponent that might survive that as for her Consequence was her head flying off of her shoulder

Announcer:Riser's rook retire

Once that was Announce Riser is now in fear of what is to come next if he loss his Other rook.

Xuelan and Black Knight (Great Sword)

Xuelan:"You will not Kill me so easliy you damn knights !" Jumps back from Overhead strike "Take this !" Kicks the black knight in the chest then fires demon energy as it skid back 4 ft making it fall on its back

The black knight fell on it's back then slowly gets back up with no problem and looks at Xuelan and rush at her while shes in shock that the black knight still got the energy to move from the beginning of the match

Xuelan:"What ?!" Pants "its over... I'm sorry Lord Riser" prepares last attack

As Xuelan prepare her last attack and black knight is rushing forward at her. Many family and peerages in the underworld have different reaction. Fear cause of Y/n ruthlessness. Awe cause of your knowledge of warfare. Admiration of your power.

Black knight swung downward as Xuelan had made last attempt of harming the Black knight.

They both attacked black knight swung down and xuelan launch her left fist and bright light blinded the arena of everyone then everything became clear. Both stand still until Xuelan split apart with her organs falling to the floor with blood pooling around her spliting corpse.

Announcer:Riser's Rook has retire.

The two black knights walk back to y/n side along with the rest of the other black knights.

Y/n Pov

"Hmph. Only one bishop left ? " staring at the building that is holding riser inside "channeler's kill her"

Once i gave them the order they both chant a spell and both fire heavy soul arrow that flew faster then a normal soul arrow.

Thrid pov

As the Heavy soul arrow is flying. Mihae has her eyes shut while in the same room with riser and his queen but doesn't know the arrow is coming at her at a fast pace.

Mihae: opening my eyes "hm- AHHHHH!"

Shot through the chest and fell face first as her eyes are lifeless while blood pooled around her corpse with big hole through her chest

Riser:"AHHHH !"

Yubelluna:"Dear Satan !"

Announcer: Riser's Bishop has retire

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