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After close to three hours of waiting a sudden movement in the bag that Ash left behind wakes Lumi from daydreaming.

She grabs the bag and opens it. Nothing extremely strange can be found in the bag. A few small, sparkly energy sphere fly out of the bag and rest on the ground next to her.

Out of the forest more of the magical spheres come towards her.

Normally she would be scared and run far away but she trust Ash and they said not to worry about anything.

The magic starts to gather more and more. A bright flash happens and out of nowhere, there were once the magic was lies now a body. An elf in full red armour.

Lumi couldn't believe what she saw. Was this elf really the red knight from all the stories she heard. Then she notices something elf. The jewellery in the ears. They were the same that Ash wears.

Not sure what to do, she tries to wake the elf hoping for some more clarity.

After a few minutes of shaking the elf wakes up.

'Who are you? No wait I must know you seeing that I'm here.' The voice of the elf sounds the same as Ash.

The elf grabs a little notebook from somewhere and reads some of the pages.

'Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are you Lumi?'

Lumi who still hadn't said anything nods. There was no way that this elf who most likely is the red knight knew her name and yet there was something so familiar about them.

There was a moment of quietness. Both elves not really know what to say, both busy with their own thoughts. Then the elf drops the book they had been reading and grabs their head. The same way Ash did when they first met.

'This will happen quite a lot this week, so don't worry about me I'm strangely enough used to it.'

'Alright,' is the only thing Lumi can say. Then she remembers that there was some food in the bag that she still was holding. She searches and finds a paper bag with some berries inside.

'Here if you get hungry. Getting a headache takes up quite a lot of energy.'

'Thank you. You always take good care of me if I remember correctly.'

There was no doubt anymore that this wasn't Ash. The wear they look, the way of speaking and even the things they say, this is Ash.

'How did you survive the poison?' are the first words Lumi says.

'I didn't I think. Because if I did I wasn't here with memory loss.'

'What do you mean you didn't survive? You are alive, right? I am not talking to some sort of zombie.'

'No I am alive and yes I did die. Did I tell you to stay here and wait for me?'

'Yes you did, that is why I have your bag with me.'

'Oh, then I must really trust you. Wait let me read the last few things I have written down in my notebook.'

Ash grabs the book from the ground and starts reading again. After a few minutes, they lay the book back down and start talking again.

'So first I understand all your question you probably have. It says here that you are quite a curious elf. Second, I have no idea when or if I can tell you everything yet. I kind of want my memory back first.'

'Understandable? Do you have any idea how we get your memory back?'

'The only thing we can do is wait, after a week most of it will have returned and at most three weeks I will remember everything again.'

'Ah okay. So where do we stay? I mean this is not the best place to wait for you to get your memory back.'

'according to the book close by is an abandoned little hut. I think our best bet is to go there and wait.'

Lumi agrees and together they find the small hut in no time.

Lumi was happy to be not alone anymore and glad that answers will come. Even if it takes some time for Ash to remember, seeing how they talk to her now means that she is important to them. There was no way Lumi would have done the same if she lost all of her memories and only had a notebook that says that they were someone's friend.

After a few hours of cleaning and making the place comfortable they finally take a rest. Cleaning everything took quite some time longer with Ash having a painful headache every so often, but they did it.

'To answer one of your questions,' Ash starts to talk. 'I am kind of immortal. Meaning I can not die. The downside to that is that every time I die, I lose my memory and getting it back gives me massive headaches.'

'So that is why you couldn't recognise me at first.'

'I shall be honest with you, I still have no memory about you. My memories come back in some sort of chronological order. That is why I have no idea how I died and I won't know for sure after about three weeks.'

'But if you don't remember me why would you trust me? For all you know I could be the one who killed you.'

'No, you didn't. You see after I die, my body dissolves and reforms at a safe space with all my important stuff close to me. Seeing that I woke up next to you means that you are safe.'

'Isn't it strange believing everything that book says?'

'To be honest no. This isn't the first time I died. Oh and before you start wondering if I don't remember you for three weeks, at most, it will be like a week. After then I can tell you all of my stories.'

'I would love to hear all of it. And for once I shall be patient and wait.'

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