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Tears were running down their cheeks.

They were scared.

Their lungs burned.

Their legs burned.

They were hungry.

They were thirsty.

They looked over their shoulder. They didn't see anyone chasing them.

Their running slowed to a walk, before they eventually sat down in an alleyway.

They took a moment to breathe. Closing their eyes, they leaned up against the brick wall behind them and tried to absorb how their entire life just got turned upside down.

"Mommy? Why are you packing my backpack?" the small child questioned as they watched the (H/C) haired woman throw all sorts of essential items into the bag. "Tomorrow is Saturday. There's no school tomorrow!"

The woman paused for a moment. She looked back at the child, who was staring at her with concern. Tears began brimming her (E/C) eyes as her voice wavered. "Oh, my sweet child..."

She pulled the young one into a loving embrace, running her fingers through their hair.

"I'm so sorry... I should have prepared you..."

Loud bangs could be heard coming from their front door, startling the small one.

"They've found us."

She hurriedly zipped up the bag and placed it on the child's back.


"(Y/N), I'm so sorry you are being pulled into this. An innocent child like yourself should never have to endure this much responsibility..."

"Mommy, who's at the door?"

She paused for a moment to look at the young one in the eyes. "Bad men, sweetheart. Very bad men who want to do very bad things. Which is why I need you to take this."

"What is it?"

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"What is it?"

"I don't have much time to explain, but what I can say is that it is very important." She placed it around the child's neck. "Never let anyone lay a hand on it."

The two of them could hear the door begin to break apart, small splinters flying off.

The woman quickly grabbed her child. She opened the window before helping the young one step out.


"Run, dear."

"Mommy, I'm scared!"

"I know, dear. I... I'm sorry. I-" Her voice began to break. "I'm so, sorry, dear... but please... home is no longer safe."

"No!" The child clung to their mother's arms before she could close the window. The banging at the door no longer mattered to them.

"Please, mommy, please don't leave me alone!"

The mother let out a shaky breath as she wiped the tears from her child's eyes.

"My dear..."

She planted a kiss on their forehead as the door finally broke down.

"Anatawa hitorijanai."

When they felt a drop of water hit their face, they opened their eyes to see it was raining.

They looked around for any signs of shelter and settled in a small box.

The rainwater began to mix with their tears as they curled up into a ball.

They cried a lot that night.

Anatawa Hitorijanai (ROTTMNT & Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now