Chapter 3: Donnie's Gifts

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"Ok, mutant silverfish, you've eaten people's laundry for the last time!"

Raph leapt up and bashed the mutant foe, only for it to split into two. "What the?!" He hit both silverfish again, causing them to split into four.

Seeing this, Donnie flew down to Raph's height and said, "Hey, Raph! Every time you smash them, they just split in two!"

"I know! Isn't it cool?!"

"Think, Raph. Think."

"Ooooh... I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!" Raph continued to smash his fists against his tiny opponents until there was a whole crowd around him, with several tackling him to the ground.

Raph wasn't very good at thinking.

"I got you, Raph!" Mikey's kusari-fundo flew in Raph's direction, tying up the silverfish keeping him down. "This situation calls for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!"

Mikey jumped up in the air, ready to do all sorts of neat tricks, only to slam face-first into a fire escape and land in a dumpster. His panicked yelps could be heard as the dumpster thrashed back and forth before he jumped out with silverfish all over him. More yelps escaped his mouth as the silverfish started hitting him with their tiny fists.

Donnie rolled his eyes and face-palmed. "Oh boy."

"I got you, Mikey!" Leo said as he sliced off a part of a fire hydrant. The water washed away all the silverfish, leaving them a flopping mess on the ground.

"Looks like these fish are...! Wait for it, you're gonna love this... all washed up!"

They, in fact, didn't love it.


"Okay, okay, okay, how 'bout this?" Leo didn't notice the silverfish standing up.

"Uh, Leo-"

Too late, Leo is dinner now and so are Raph and Mikey. The mutant silverfish quickly recovered and attacked Leo, Raph, and Mikey. They jumped around, trying to get the silverfish off of them while Donnie looked on in disappointment. As he stared, he came to a realization.

"Usually, (Y/N) would be in a giggling fit hearing Leo's terrible jokes. Where did they...?"

The pitter-patter of little footsteps quickly approached, answering Donnie's question. He sighed and held out a robotic arm from his shell, waiting, waiting, waiting... here they come-

"-aaaaAAAAAAAAAAA- OOMPH!" As the speedy child was about to run past, Donnie seized the collar of their shirt. Even when as they were lifted off the ground, their little feet kept swinging back and forth, as if running on air.


The mechanical arm held the child up higher as they reached their hands out, making grabby motions towards the silverfish they were chasing. "No, (Y/N), we cannot keep one," Donnie plainly responded as another robotic arm reached out to grab (Y/N)'s fans. With one zap, they were back to normal speed, to which Donnie deemed it was safe to put them down.

"Donnie! Can I have my fans back?" The child made grabby hands once again, only for Donnie to hold the weapons out of reach.

"Hold on, now. You'll get these back in just a moment." As Donnie's mechanical arm held onto the hands, he transformed his staff into a tennis ball launcher, using it to chase away the silverfish.

As the tiny mutants scurried away, Mikey exclaimed, "Mission accomplished!"

The other turtle brothers stood up, and Raph gave Donnie a thumbs up. "Nice hustle, Donnie! I knew we could deal with this as a team!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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