Chapter 2: Oragami Tsunami

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I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed, it's just that I literally haven't updated this book in over a year and I wanted to get something out ishsiwhsiwhaijqkq—

"Where's our free grub, noodle man?"

"Okay, ha. How about some— hot soup?"

Mouthing along with the words on the screen, Raph grabbed both Mikey and Donnie, tossing them behind him into bowls of noodles.

"Too spicy for you? Haha! Everyone's a critic."

Before anyone else could make a comment, the sound of someone clapping reached their ears. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all started panicking when they saw (Y/N) standing there, giggling and clearly amused by their performance.

Before Splinter could see the child, however, Leo swooped in and hid them behind the chair. As (Y/N) continued to giggle, Leo put a finger over his lips and made a quiet 'sh' sound, reminding them that they were supposed to be kept a secret. Remembering the deal, (Y/N) nodded, covering their mouth with their hands.

At the sound of Splinter slamming Mikey and Donnie into their bowls, (Y/N) was tempted to check it out, but was stopped by the brother in blue. He gestured for them to stay put before sliding over the chair to join the conversation.

"Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!" Mikey yelled in excitement.

"Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?" Leo asked before getting smacked off the chair by Splinter's tail.

"Hey now. I am standing right here."

"Pfft. No way. We're crime fighters!" Raph said as Donnie continued typing away on his tablet.

(Y/N) continued to listen in to their conversation, and let me tell you, the thought of a Spine Breaking Bandit or a Long Island Mangler was... terrifying. To say they were relieved to hear they'd be going after paper thieves instead was an understatement.

"Let's go be heroes!" Raph yelled as he and his brothers rushed out of the lair.

Following close behind, (Y/N) exclaimed when they were out of earshot from Splinter, "Me too! I wanna be a hero, too!"

"I'm afraid we can't allow that," Donnie protested, kneeling down to (Y/N)'s height. "This is an incredibly risky mission, so you have to stay here."

"Incredibly risky? Donnie, it's paper thieves," Leo butt in. With a grin, he picked up (Y/N), hoisting them up and setting them on his shoulders as they laughed joyfully. "Besides, this is the perfect time to show (Y/N) how cool and strong their totally amazing turtle friends are!"

"I wanna see my cool and strong and totally amazing turtle friends fight bad guys!" (Y/N) clung to Leo's head, their eyes practically sparkling with excitement.

"C'mon, we can take care of them!" Mikey insisted, patting the young one's head. "We're trained ninjas with magic weapons!"

"Uhh-" Conflicted, Raph looked at (Y/N), who was staring up at him with a pleading expression. His gaze then shifted over to Donnie, who gave him a "don't do it" expression.


"I thought I made my "don't do it" expression VERY CLEAR!" Donnie yelled over to Raph as (Y/N) was being carried by Mikey, letting out an excited squeal whenever he jumped from one rooftop to another.

"Hey! I couldn't just say no to a face like that!" Raph defended.

The five stopped at one of the apartment rooftops. "What kind of weirdo steals paper?" Raph asked as Donnie flipped his goggles over his eyes to examine the area.

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