Eight years

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'never have I lived such delicate moments'

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'never have I lived such delicate moments'

Possible TW:
-suicide mentions
3rd POV
It's been eight years since she last saw him. At first things were rough. Really, really rough. She cried nightly, and even tried to take her own life. Fortunately failing. After four years she still wished for him to come back when she blew out her candles. She eventually realized it's all only in her best fantasy. He'd completely forgotten about her. It took her a year to be able to go to bed without crying. He was all she thought about. Everything she did somehow reminded her of him.

After five years, she could finally call herself stable. She had graduated from cosmetology school, and had even made some close friends. It wasn't that the pain had gone away, it was that she had gotten used to it. She moved into her own home, still in New York, and was one of the highest in the business she worked for.

But still, even then, he crossed her mind. Maybe he was married? Or maybe she would be his next victim. The difference was that she had accepted the fact that he's gone.

The only thing she had left of him was his hoodie she kept. She still remembers when she had to sell her car. She felt as if the tears were never ending.

She still wore his hoodie every night to bed, washing it occasionally. It was like her baby blanket almost. It made her feel safe. As upset as she was when it didn't smell like him anymore, she still appreciated the fact that she still had it.

However, she had turned down every guy since she met him. She hasn't kissed someone in eight years. Well no, she has had a couple one night stands, but nothing close to a relationship.

*present day*
"Mads I'm a 25 year old woman, still sleeping in my teenage boyfriends sweatshirt" she cried. "I mean he's going to the Oscars, and I'm still sitting here eight years later crying over him" Betty cried into her phone, shoving a piece of chocolate in her mouth.

Madelaine was really her only friend, and had learned how to handle this situation. Betty did this every month on her period, it was almost expected of her by now.

"Betty you're the best thing that ever happened to him. And you've moved on, remember?" She repeated her response from last month hoping Betty wouldn't notice.

"You said that last time" she cried. Mads sighed, "Betty he's not worth you're tears. I promise" she said trying to think of something nice to say to her friend.

This conversation went on and on until Betty fell asleep.

Betty Cooper
-a week later-

I groaned as I woke up to my annoying ass alarm. I turned it off, and got up, going to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and moisturized my face, before going back out to my room to look for an outfit.

I co-own a hair salon, so it pays pretty nicely. Well we are a pretty successful salon as well! I picked out jeans and a blouse. It really isn't that bad looking, I'm just tired, and don't have the effort to find a cute outfit right now. (Literally me everyday for school lmao)

I curled my hair into light waves, and put on some makeup before grabbing my purse and getting in my car.

I drove through Starbucks, on the way, grabbing a coffee, before actually driving to the salon.

"Betty! We have a full day booked until 3!" My partner exclaimed. I smiled at her. "So no lunch break?" I asked teasing her. We both giggled as I went to my station setting down my stuff.

"When's our first appointment?" I asked before someone walked in the door. We both turned around looking who it was.

Wait is that? No it can't be. He looked up from his shoulder phone. Phew! It's not him. I have had this happen to me one to many times.

"Good morning! Do you have an appointment?" I asked going up to our front desk.

"Hi, no I don't do I need one?" He asked. He had a British accent. It almost gave me butterflies. Butterflies I haven't felt in years. "No, no I can help you follow me" I smiled walking to my station.

I did his hair, I learned a lot about him. Including that he has a girlfriend. Oh well!

I was in the salon until about 4:30, still not have eaten lunch. I had a few snacks, but not enough to fill me.

I went to chop shop and bought an açaí bowl, before heading to a park that I went to often.

I sat down on the bench, taking my açaí bowl out of the bag.

I opened it and started eating it. They're actually a decent amount of people at the park right now. Sometimes when I go they're only like 3 other people here.

I sat on the bench for about an hour, playing on my phone after I finished my bowl.

The sun started setting, so I decided it was time I go home. I parked over by the children's park, so I had to walk over there and through the kids park.

That's when I heard something I'd never thought I'd hear again. Well, a voice I never thought I'd hear again.


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