Chapter 12- Shouting it from the Rooftops (Tommy T. POV)

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A/N: I hope you guys love this chapter! And what's  to come in this chapter!

A couple of days or so had passed and honestly, I couldn't have been happier. I was happy seeing Mick happy, and I could tell just how much it meant to him and how much he was already changing. Of course, Mick was still Mick...and even when he didn't physically smile...well they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and I could see the light within whenever we were together or caught sight of each other, when were both busy with band stuff. Also, another thing, I noticed his figure standing on whatever side of the stage I was on. He couldn't take his eyes off me, and it meant so much to me that he did that despite whatever physical pain he was in and no matter how bad it was.... He told me, I helped him get thru the pain and that it was worth it, that I was saving him.

I just wanted to shout from the rooftops how much I loved this man. There was still tension between us, but it wasn't was sexual, it was desire and so much more. Our bandmates, they teased us mercilessly until Mick snapped at them and flipped them off and proceeded to tell them they were just as bad, if not worse and I had to agree with him there.

Now Eric and Tommy Lee, well that was just as interesting and entertaining as we all knew it would be. They were very much in love, extremely handsy and the strange thing was that he'd quit giving his daily teasing lap dance to Gene and then proceeded to tell us that he was giving it too Lee. Ugh, didn't need to know that. I would tell Mick at night when we would cuddle together, and it was the sweetest and best feeling in the world. Mick grumbled about Lee, but smirked and said, "Sometime baby, how about YOU give me a lap dance?", which caused me to blush.... The shows of course were still going great, and we were selling out pretty much everywhere, the fans couldn't get enough.

Currently, we are once more all on the bus.... the kids are still with us and it's so very chaotic on the bus. Mick and I, wanted some private time or as private as we could we headed to the back to get some sleep, I in my usual position head laying on his chest as I listened to his heartbeat and I began to drift off...

It's like I'm watching a movie, it's crazy and hectic and I'm not sure what's going on.... I am merely, a spectator and not a participant...Finally, I am able to focus, and I realize Kiss is on stage, but everyone from my bandmates to the oh god...Mick.... Then at last it becomes clear; everyone is gathered around a figure and with a start I realize it's me. What the...Mick seems to be on his knees upset, and is he crying? Why does he seem so very frantic? What's wrong with me?! All I manage to make out is something about a collapse and that I'd been swaying before falling to my knees. This doesn't make any sense, none whatsoever. Then suddenly everything fades away....

I awake with a start, heart pounding. What the hell was that?! I bury my face into Mick's chest, and I am shaking, which seems to alert him into wake-fullness. One of his large spider- like hands, reaches out to tilt my chin up and those beloved icy blues are filled with concern.

"Tommy, what's wrong space-angel? Bad dream?", he asks stroking my face. I lay my head back down on his chest, still shaking....

"S-Sorry—Go back to sleep Mick...", I stammer. I hear him sigh...

"Thomas, tell me what has you so shaken.", his tone stern. I let out a sigh of my own...

"I had the strangest dream, I dreamed I saw myself on stage, but I-I-I was on the ground, things were frantic, so crazy and you were there, and you were upset and on your knees beside me. All I could make out was something about me having been swaying and falling to my knees collapsing. I don't know what it means.", I sniffle as I Begin crying and he thumbs away my tears.

"Shh, Shh babe. It was just a crazy-bad dream...and if it were real, or came true...everything would be ok, I promise you. I love you.", Mick whispered gently playing with my hair and then he brought me into a sweet kiss, and I couldn't help but smile.

"My space-angel, I am always here for you. Always.", his tone filled with love. I gradually drifted off to sleep again, my tears dried as I listened to the beat of his heart.

A/N: More fore-shadowing! Oh I did love very much writing this & would love to hear what you guys think! As always, thanks for reading and for the love & support!

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