Dr Martin

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"Your Royal Highness." 

George was a mess, and that could be seen from a mile away even if you didn't know him. The last twenty four hours had been the worst of his life, and he had to keep a brave face, reassuring his children of something he knew nothing about. 


"Her Royal Highness's condition has improved."

"What-What happened to her?" 

"She was shot, twice. Once in the femur, which did a little bit of damage to her femoral artery, and the second time in the arm. However, the arm injury was simply a graze and Her Royal Highness lost little blood from it. The problem really was located in her leg." 

George felt his hands sweeting, and he knew he was becoming increasingly paler. But he needed to know his wife's condition, he needed to know. 

"We took out the bullet, and accessed the damage, which was minimal. Although she did suffer from a great deal of blood loss she did not suffer any immediate injury to the brain. She will probably need to rest and not move her leg for a couple of months, but otherwise she and the baby are fine."


"Her Royal Highness is 7 weeks pregnant, sir. We would advise contacting the Duchess' doctor about it, since she will need to rest for a considerable amount of time." 

George nodded as the doctor walked away, back to his doctor's duties and taking care of the Duchess. But George was lost on his own thoughts of what that, his Amelia being pregnant, actually meant for them. They would obviously need to tell the family, as well as the public, soon enough, but something inside George was telling him not even Amelia was aware of that fact. And if she was why didn't she tell him? After all she told George straight away when she found out she was pregnant with Jamie and May. 

But the Duke had more pressing matters to deal with, most importantly finding someone to help their children deal with the trauma and fact of the attack. George had dealt with trauma, and he still had to deal with the fact he didn't have his mum with him, but he and Amelia's children were there when their mum was almost killed, and George would never let his children suffer without the right support system. 

- - -

She was awake. She was awake and recovering, and she was O.K. And that was more than enough for George to breath a sigh of relief. 

His Amelia had been moved in the last 24 hours into a private room in the hospital, and she would be taken care by both the hospital staff and the Queen's medical team, who had been called the moment Amelia left the surgical theater. Dr Martin had also come and done an ultrasound, checking to see if baby was fine and was not harmed, which it wasn't. 

"Your Royal Highness, you can come in now." 

He thanked the nurses and staff as they left the room before he went in. His hands were sweeting and he was a pile of nerves; he just wanted to know if his Bee was doing fine and was being taken care of. 


The Duchess was laying in bed, her leg slightly elevated and the upper part of her arm covered in a white bandage. But she was feeling fine, the pain medication had kicked in and she was starting to feel like herself again. The nurses had helped her put her hair in a bun, but for George she had never looked better. 


The kiss the couple shared was one of deep love between two people who longed to be with each other and missed being by each others side. 

The Duke kissed his wife's head, thanking every God he knew for taking care and making sure his wife stayed with him, and at the same time making a promise to himself that he would protect her no matter what. He knew he would never be able to deal with another loss, and just the thought of losing his wife made his chest ache. 

"How are the children? Are they okay? Were they harmed?" 

"They are fine, just in shock. I've already arranged for them to see a therapist, since I know the attack could cause a great trauma at such a young age." 

The Duchess gives her husband a sad smile, knowing exactly what that meant for him personally, but also feeling proud of how her husband had dealt with the facts of what happened. 

"Dr Martin came in." 

Amelia was only able to go that far on the situation. She knew her husband knew, but she also hadn't had time to actually consider what it meant for her at that moment, even after Dr Martin took her time explaining how this pregnancy would be different for Amelia and her family, since she would be needing to stay in bed a lot longer. 

"I know, I asked Josie to call her for you." The Duke took a deep breath, sitting down on the hospital chair next to the bed, never letting go of his wife's hand. "I have to ask, Bee. Did you know? And if you did why didn't you tell me?"

"I... I wasn't sure. I hadn't taken a test or anything. But I was feeling the same symptoms I had every other pregnancy, so I just assumed. But I wasn't sure, and that was why I didn't tell you. What if I was just sick, and what if I was just wrong? I wanted to be sure before I told you." 

"Oh Bee..." 

The Duke kissed his wife's knuckles, feeling his heart ache with happiness. 

"And is the baby okay?"

"Yes, they are fine. Dr Martin just advised me on how this pregnancy would be compared to the other three." 


"Well, we don't know if it is a boy or a girl, so they seems fitting." 

The Duke smiled, knowing his wife was right. 

They were happy everything was straightening itself out after such events, and after a few more weeks in hospital the Duchess was discharged and the family made its way back to their home in Kensington Palace, where they would spend their time until the Duchess was 100% recovered. 

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