Big Girl

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"I can not believe we are doing this again, so soon." The Duke says, seating next to his wife while one of their protection officers drive them to their first location.

"At least now we know what our daughter needs. And it's only two schools, George, no need to be dramatic."

"Can't she stay another year at nursery school?"

"She could, but then she would miss reception year. Don't you remember your own reception year?"

"Yes, it was quite fun, I must admit. What are the schools we are visiting again?"

"Eaton Square and Falkner House. Both close by, however Falkner is only for girls so Jamie would not be able to join his sister in a few years."

"Which one are we visiting first? And who are we talking with?"

"Falkner, which is closer, and we are talking to Mrs. Rogers, the headteacher of the school."

"I didn't know we were that important."

As the protection officer stopped the car in front of the school the Duke and Duchess looked around, analysing the area the school was situated, before entering the main building of the school, where the headteacher was already waiting.

"Your Royal Highnesses is a pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you for accepting to meet us, Mrs. Rogers."

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"Which one do you like best, Georgie?"

"I do think both would be marvellous for Vicky, and both have the morals and will give her all the support she will need for her future role."


"I do think Eaton Square would be better suited for her."

"I thought you would say that."

"When do we need to decide?" George asks, drinking his tea while overlooking his wife seated at the kitchen table.

"Before September, and seeing that we are almost in July we don't have enough time."

"So let us decide."

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The Duke and Duchess of Clarence are very pleased to share two new photographs of Princess Victoria on the occasion of her first day of school at Eaton Square.

The photographs were by the Duchess before the family left for Eaton Square.

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The four photographers waited outside Eaton Square where not so little Princess Victoria of Clarence is set to start her Reception Year.

Ms. Iona Jennings, head of Reception, awaited for the family at the steps of the school. The Duke and Duchess and Princess Victoria, wearing the school's blue uniform completed with the school's hat, arrived together at the preparatory school, with the Duke driving and his wife and daughter on the backseat. The little Princess walked to greet Ms. Jennings while holding to both of her parent's hands, while her father carried her school bag.

The little princess seemed to have the first day jitters while her parents shook Ms. Jennings hand but gladly accepted to shake the teacher's hand when it was her turn. The family then followed Ms. Jennings inside the building.

"Your Royal Highnesses, Victoria, this is Miss Layla Zamir, who is Victoria's teacher."

"How do you do, Miss Zamir?" Amelia says after George shakes the teacher's hand.

"Very well, Your Royal Highness. And this is Victoria, correct?" The teacher extends her hand and Victoria promptly accepts the handshake. "I am Miss Zamir, Victoria. Would you like to come to meet your classmates?"


"Can you say goodbye to mummy and daddy so we can go meet them?"

"Daddy loves you, Vicky." The Duke says kissing his daughter's forehead.


"Mummy loves you very much, sweet. Now, mummy and daddy, and Jamie, will be back in a few hours and then you can tell us all the fun things you did, okay? Can you be a good girl for mummy?"

"Yes, mummy, I am a big girl."

"Yes, you are my big girl," Amelia says, hugging and kissing her daughter. "I love you, sweet."

After the goodbyes and thank yous Amelia and George left the school, heading home where their youngest baby was waiting for them. 

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