Royal Nanny

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"It's an honour to see Your Royal Highness again." Harriet Adams greets the Duchess after the latter entered the drawing-room.

"I'm very happy you were able to come back for a second meeting. Unfortunately, the Duke will not be joining us today, he is in a meeting and has engagements the whole afternoon."

"I'm very happy to be here, ma'am."

"Since you already met me and the Duke, I think it's time that you met the person you will be working closely with. If you care to follow me."

Harriet was very excited to have been called back, it was her first very public family, a family that was on the news every single day. The nanny had worked for six years with a Scottish noble family and their four little ones, and before she had worked for four years with the family of a British CEO, and all that experience attracted the Duke and Duchess.

Following the Duchess to the houses' second floor she could feel her hands sweating under her white gloves, but she tried to keep as calm as possible.

"This is Vicky's nursery."

Inside the Duchess's mother was with a little white bundle in her arms.

"Mum, this is Miss Harriet Adams."

"Oh yes, the Norland Nanny. Very nice to meet you, I'm Dorothy Saunders." The Duchess's mum says, carefully placing the little princess on her daughter's arms, and extending her hand.

"Very nice to meet you too, ma'am."

"And this is the person you will be working with, this is Vicky."

The little princess looked attentively with her big blue eyes wide open at her mother, still too little to react.

- - -

Amelia started reading the email once again, for the third time. It had been twenty minutes since Amelia left Vicky with Miss Adams and her mother since she had emails to answer and a christening to plan.

"Where is my Goddaughter?" Annabel asked, opening the door with enthusiasm.

"In her bedroom. But you can't go there."

"Why? She is my cousin and Goddaughter."

"Yes, but she is having a trial hour with the nanny."

"And you left my Goddaughter alone with someone you don't even know?"

"I know her, Bel, the PPOs made a background and security check before she even arrived. And mum is there with her, to explain our routine."

"Oh, then she is fine." Annabel says putting the big folder on Amelia's study desk. "I brought all the best I could find for decorations, appetizers, and flowers. Do we know when it will be? And where?"

"Yes, August 14th, the Queen gave her permission. And we've decided on the Chapel Royal at St. James' Palace."

"Okay, so now we can think about the colour scheme. I was thinking white, creams and light purple."

"I like that."

- - -

"What do you think, mum? Was she good? Did Vicky like her?"

"She did good, right after you left Vicky started crying and after checking her nappy she concluded it was just because the little princess missed her mum. So she calmed her down and distracted her. She did a little tummy time with the little princess and changed a nappy."

"So should we call her full-time?"

"I think so, and with time she will learn of your routine."

"Thank you, ma. I will talk to George when he gets home."

- - -

"If you need anything Kit and Dottie are always here to help. You can also ask my mum, or me and George if we are not on meetings."

"Don't you worry, Your Royal Highness, I'm good at finding my way around."

"Good to know. I assume my mother told you Vicky only has breast milk, and we have not yet introduced nursing bottles."

"Yes, Mrs. Saunders did say that, and I will be bringing the Princess to her mother whenever she is hungry."

"Good, great. Now I do have a meeting so I will leave you with Vicky. My mother should be up in a few minutes to explain where everything is." Amelia says putting her sleeping princess back in her crib.

After two more trial hours between the little princess and Nanny Harriet, she was called back to sign the contract and an NDA agreement with the Duchess's private secretary. Nanny Harriet moved into the Clarences' home on the second week of July, and would only have two days with Mrs. Saunders till the latter had to go back home.

Amelia and George trusted the Nanny, they had seen her with their daughter and she knew what she was doing; they had also called the noble Scottish family she had worked with in the past and they said she was wonderful with their children and she was just released from the post because the children grew up and didn't really need a nanny anymore.

The Clarences' situation, on the other hand, was different, she would be with Vicky and possible future children for a long time since their duties would only become more and more time consuming as the years passed.

But right now Nanny Harriet was there to help mother with anything she needed and take care of the baby when the mother couldn't be there. And her first time taking care of the little princess completely alone would be when the Duke and Duchess would be on an eight-day official trip in September.

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