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"Can you look at mummy, James? Vicky you too, look at mummy."

The three photographs the family would release for both Victoria's first day of Year 1 and James' first day of Nursery school, were taking longer than the year before.

The Duke and Duchess decided, after they came back from their tour with the children, and after visiting Eaton Square Nursery and discussing all the possibilities, that it would be better if James attended nursery at Miss Daisy's, even if it meant driving more with the children every morning.

But for now, baby Clarence 3 was safe inside his or her mummy's tummy, and the eldest Clarence child looked beautiful in her blue uniform, wearing the school's hat, as it was required.

As with Victoria's first day the year before, and different from their cousin's first day just crossing the River Thames, there were four photographers and three filmographers waiting outside the school, where the family of four, soon to be five, arrived fifteen minutes before Victoria's the first class started.

The Duke and a very pregnant Duchess of Clarence arrived this morning with their two children at Eaton Square School. The not so shy Princess Victoria, aged 5, was seen smiling to the cameras as her father helped her out of the car, while her younger brother, Prince James, aged 2,  was holding tight to his mother's hand as the family was welcomed by Mrs. Crofton, Head of Year 1.

Little Prince James was accompanying his older sister on her first day of school before being whisked away to Miss Daisy's Nursery, where a much more private reception will be awating the young prince who is fourth in line to the Throne. 

The Princess was wearing her school's full uniform, topped with the school's blue hat, while her younger brother was wearing red shorts and a polo shirt. Their mother was also wearing the blue dress she wore to announce her first pregnancy back in 2011.

- - -

"The Lord Chamberlain's office would like to know if Your Royal Highnesses intend to bring Princess Victoria and Prince James to St. Mary's Hospital, once their new sibling is born."

"I did not think they would be asking those kinds of questions so early."

"Not to intrude on your private life, ma'am, but today it is the second of October."

"Yes I know, Josie, Georgie does not let me forget it." The Duchess says, touching her ever-growing baby bump. "We have not talked it through yet, George and I, but I do believe so."

"I think Lord Chamberlain's office will be pleased with your response, ma'am. And one last thing needing confirmation before I leave. You do have fifteen engagements confirmed till the twenty-sixth."

"I am aware, Josie. What about them?"

"The Lord Chamberlain's office and Her Majesty The Queen would like to know with you would not want to enter your maternity leave before."

"And cancel these engagements that have been on my schedule for months? Absolutely not. This baby's due date is only on the 31st, till then I will keep all my appointments."

"Of course, Your Royal Highness."

- - -

"Have you decided on a location yet?"

"Yes, we have. And a date."

"Really? Tell me then." The Duchess said, laughing at the clear excitement in her cousin's voice, visible even through a telephone call.

"St. Mary's Church, for the ceremony, and the 12th of April for the date. We had to decide on it early on since we had to see if the church was available."

"That is just wonderful, Bel, truly."

"Thank you, Mel. You will attend, won't you? I know we talked about you not being able to be my maid of honour, but I really would love if you were there. Even to help with the children, as Catherine did."

"Of course I will be there, Annabel, and so will George, Victoria and James. You are my cousin and my best friend." The Duchess smiled, looking at a photo of them at her daughter's christening. "Do you know where you will be having the reception?"

"Not yet. We were thinking maybe Basin House or Highclere Castle. Both are at least ten minutes away by car, and both can accommodate up to 200 guests, and we do love having such a magical backdrop for the photos."

"Both are beautiful."

"Yes, and since we will be having a small ceremony at St. Mary's, just for family and friends, we want to invite a few more people for the reception."

"I do think it is a great idea."

"Thank you, Mel. I will be calling you soon, to discuss when you will be able to come and discuss both my dress and the children's outfits. Oh, I am so sorry Mel, but I need to go. Love you."

"Love you."

- - -

The night had arrived early, and at five in the afternoon it was already pitch black outside of the Duchess' window as she finished her children's dinner. And at seven, when she kissed her children goodnight, her belly started hardening. At first, Amelia thought it was only the training contractions again since she had been having them for the past few weeks, but after almost an hour things started to shift, and the short duration of the painless contractions became longer and painful.

The baby was at least two days early, and the couple were not prepared for that baby to arrive so early, even after having James arriving at least a week before his due date two and half years earlier.

Nowhere seemed comfortable enough to accommodate Amelia's needs at that particular moment, and after another long journey to the bathroom, she gave up and decided to just stay on her feet.

"Bee, why are you up?" The Duke asks, appearing on their door for the first time since their dinner, four hours before.

"There is nowhere comfortable in this room, George, that is why I am up."

"Do you want to go to the drawing-room? Sitting-room?"

"No, George I do not... Just leave me be, please."


"No, George!"

After a few seconds, the Duke resigned himself to just accept his wife's decision and headed to the bathroom, leaving his pregnant wife walking in circles in their bedroom.

At five minutes past eleven at night, with the Duke fast asleep on the couple's bed, and the Duchess still very much awake and almost crying in pain, the sound of something dropping to the floor caught the Duchess's attention.

"Dear God..." A huge circle of water, sprayed everywhere from the fall, had left both the duchess' pyjamas and feet completely wet, and the Duchess herself in complete in shock. "George. George!"


The Duke sat in his bed, turning his light on, and seeing his wife staring directly at him.

"What happened?"

"My water."

"Oh no." 

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