Chapter 2: Meeting Crystal's Family

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I knocked on the door and waited until a mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon covered in short, reddish-orange fur with long ears and a blue ribbon on its left ear answered the door. "Crystal?" It asked. "Is that you? Did you evolve?"

"Mommy!" Crystal said, hugging the Pokémon. "It's me and I DID evolve!"

"Everyone!" the Pokémon said. "Crystal's home!"

Then, another Pokémon covered in short, reddish-orange fur with long ears, along with a Pokémon which had a sleek, black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes and had two pairs of pointed teeth, and two Pokémon covered in yellow fur with a spiky fringe around their tails and a white ruff around their necks, came to see Crystal.

"Kris!" the Yellow Pokémon said. "You evolved?"

"Yes I did." Crystal answered. "Thanks to my boyfriend and his sister."

"Boyfriend?!" the yellow Pokémon exclaimed. Then, the Pokémon faints.

"Sis!" the younger orange Pokémon said. "You're back!"

"Welcome home, Crystal." the older yellow Pokémon said. "We missed you."

"Crystal!" the black Pokémon said, hugging her. "I'm glad you're okay!"

I pull out my PokéDex and analyze the orange, yellow, and black Pokémon.

"Jolteon, the Lightning Pokémon. Jolteon becomes enveloped in lightning when angered." My PokéDex told me.

"Flareon, the Flame Pokémon. Flareon's internal flame ignites its breath, which is exhaled as fire."

"Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon. The rings in its fur glow when the moon shines on them."

"Wow!" Hilda exclaimed. "A Jolteon, Flareon, AND Umbreon!"

"Yeah!" I said.

Then, the Flareon with the blue ribbon notices me and Hilda. "Crystal?" it asked Crystal. "Who's that?"

"Oh! That's my boyfriend, Michael and his sister Hilda." Crystal answered.

"Nice to meet you, Miss?" I began, offering a handshake to the Flareon with the blue ribbon.

"Mollie." Mollie introduced herself, accepting my handshake.

"I'm Jin." Jin said.

"I'm Ralph." Ralph said.

"I'm Solarflare. You can call me Flare for short." Flare said.

"And that's my older brother, Speed." Crystal said, pointing at the unconscious Jolteon.

Speed wakes up from unconsciousness. "I'm Speed. Nice to meet you, Michael." Speed said, offering me a paw bump. I accept Speed's paw bump.

"Hey, Sis?" I ask Hilda. "Should we show Crystal and her family our starter Pokémon?"

"Sure." Hilda answered me.

Then, Hilda and got her Poké Ball out, and out came her Tepig, a quadrupedal, pig-like Pokémon that is primarily orange. He has oval eyes, a red nose, and a thick yellow stripe on his snout. The upper portion of his head is dark brown, and his long, pointed ears are positioned closely together. Tepig has short legs, and his front feet are dark brown. A dark brown band covers his lower back and rear. His curly tail is tipped with a ruddy red sphere.

"Hello." Hilda's Tepig said. "I'm Tepig. Nice to meet you all."

Then, I got my Poké Ball, and out came Oshawott, a bipedal sea otter-like Pokémon. He has a spherical white head with small, triangular dark-blue ears on the sides. His eyes are dark and his dark-orange nose is shaped like a horizontal oval. Several freckles cover his cheeks, which may be premature whiskers, and two pointed teeth can be seen when he opens his mouth. The light blue fur on his body forms bubble shapes around his neck. His arms are white and rounded, while his feet are dark blue with three toes each. He also possesses a rudder-like dark blue tail. He carries a pale yellow seashell called a "scalchop" on his belly. This shell is made of the same material as his claws, and is used for both battle and cracking hard berries. If heavily damaged or lost, He can grow new ones from his body, though it can take weeks.

"Hi, everyone!" Oshawott greeted everyone. "I'm Oshawott! Pleased to meet you all!"

Everyone was amazed at Tepig and Oshawott.

"Michael?" Mollie asked me.

"Yes, Mrs. Mollie?" I answered happily.

"Where are your parents?" Mollie asked me. "We'd love to meet them!"

"Follow us back to our house and we can meet our mother there." I asked everyone.

"Okay." Crystal said, jumping onto the top of my shoulder.

"Let's go, everyone." Hilda said.

After meeting Crystal's family, we all walked back to my house.

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