Chapter 3: Alfred The Arcanine

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I open the door and Hilda, Crystal and Mollie follow us inside our house. We all walked up the stairs to our mom's room and found her on the floor, bleeding out. Her room was a complete mess. It was like a tornado hit her room.

"Mother?!" I exclaimed, coming close to her bloody body. "What happened to you?!"

Then, our mom struggled to get up and told us what happened to her. "An Arcanine..." she began. "Wearing a green scarf... scratched me open."

"What?!" Hilda exclaimed, tearing up.

"I'm so sorry, Mother." I said, hugging her.

"Michael..." Mom told me. "I need you to take me to the Pokémon Center so I can heal... Hurry!"

"Yes, Mother." I said, carrying Mom in my arms. "Everyone! We must hurry to the nearest Pokémon Center!"

"Okay, Hun." Crystal said. "I hope she'll be okay.

"Oh my gosh, Michael!" Mollie said. "I'm so sorry about your mother."

"Thanks, Mrs. Mollie." I said, rushing out the door.

We all met back with everyone outside my house.

"Everyone!" I exclaimed. "My Mother is dying!"

"What?!" Speed exclaimed. "What happened, Bro?"

"She said an Arcanine wearing a green scarf scratched her open." I answer Speed, getting a Unova map out of my bag. "The nearest Pokémon Center is in Accumula Town!"

"Let's go, everyone!" Hilda told everyone.

I carried my mom in my arms as we ran through Route 1 to Accumula Town. Once we arrived in Accumula Town, we quickly walked into the Pokémon Center and went to Nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy!" I exclaimed. "My mother's been hurt!"

"Oh no!" Nurse Joy said. "Let me see."

I gently placed Mother on the front desk. "She doesn't look good. What happened?" Nurse Joy asked me.

"An Arcanine wearing a green scarf attacked her and scratched her open." I answer.

"Oh no!" Nurse Joy exclaimed. "I'll heal her. Please wait here."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy." I thanked her.

"I hope your mom will be alright, Michael." Mollie said, holding my hand.

"I'm worried, Hun." Crystal said, hugging me. "I hope she'll be okay."

About two hours later, Nurse Joy came up to me.

"Michael? Hilda?" Nurse Joy said. "Your mom is going to be alright."

"R-really?" I asked, tearing up with joy.

"Thank you so much, Nurse Joy!" Hilda exclaimed.

"Where is she now?" I asked Nurse Joy.

"She is right here." Nurse Joy said, pointing to our mom coming out of the ER.

"Mother!" I said, hugging her tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Me too, Mom!" Hilda said, hugging our mom.

"My sweet children." Mom said, tearing up. "I'm so glad you two are safe."

Then, Mom notices Crystal and her family. "Who's that?" She asked, pointing at Crystal's family.

"Oh, that's my girlfriend and her family." I answered our mom.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am. I'm Mollie." Mollie greeted our mom, offering a paw shake.

"Nice to meet you too, Mollie. I'm Heather." Mom introduced herself to Mollie.

"I'm Michael's girlfriend, Crystal." Crystal introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Heather."

Mom blushes at how polite Crystal was.

"I'm Speed." Speed said. "I'm Crystal's older brother."

"I'm Solarflare." Flare said. "Or you can call me Flare for short. I'm Crystal and Speed's younger brother."

"I'm Jin." Jin said. "I'm Mollie's husband."

"I'm Ralph." Ralph introduced himself. "I'm Mollie's older brother."

"Well, It's nice to meet you all!" Mom said.

"Mother?" I asked her. "Why don't you join us? I even have a Starter Pokémon for you!"

"I'd love too, Michael!" Mom said. "Since you and Hilda saved my life."

"Yay!" I exclaimed, placing Snivy's Poké Ball in Mom's hand. "This was the only Pokémon that Hilda and I didn't pick."

"Who did you two not pick?" Mom asked me.

"Snivy." Hilda answered for me.

"Cool!" Mom exclaimed.

I pulled out my Unova Map and discovered that the first Pokémon Gym we must challenge was in Striaton City, just north of where we were.

"Everyone!" I exclaimed as we left the Pokémon Center. "To Striaton City!"

Everyone agreed while Crystal climbed on top of my shoulder.

After our mother was healed, we all made our way to Striaton City through Route 2.

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