Chapter 11

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Tw: Slight Blood/Gore, Suggestions of Knife, Brief Mentions of Wound
Remi blinks a couple of times, trying to force herself back into reality. "Uhm- Yeah, sorry!" She sheepishly apologizes, not wantimg to ward her new potential friends off. She tears her eyes away from V's to look at Jana. In doing this, she misses the anxious look on Vee's face, one caused by Remi's accidental staring.

Jana glances at Verity, checking to see her reaction to Remi. All Jana sees when she looks over is a pair of wide eyes and an evident frown, causing Jana's smirk to angle downwards. The oddly colored girl turns back towards Remi and speaks again. "What were you looking at anyway?" She doesn't even bother trying to make her tone sound joking and light, just wanting to know if Remi's a threat or not - Her instinct tells her it's alright, but there's no such thing as being too sure.

"Oh! Sorry, nothing bad, I swear!" Remi fumbles with her words, trying to explain the obvious miscommunication. "I just tuink your eyes are really cool! I've never seen any like that, and think it's super neat!" She directs the last two sentences towards Verity, trying to calm the glaring Jana - Remi is telling the truth, but is admittedly frightened of 'Serious Jana'. Jana merely nods as Verity visibly relaxes, her cheeks tinted a light rose.

Verity adjusts her position against the tree and immediately winces and whimpers, being nearly silent. Despite this, Jana and Remi both turn to her, Jana's movements much quicker and more urgent than Remi's. Verity clutches her stomach her stomach, to Remi's confusion. At this, Jana swiftly crawls towards the pained girl ahd places a hand on hers.

"Vee? Where'd he get you? Want me to get a teacher?" Jana rushes out questions, eliding a few syllables in the process. Verity shakes her head slowly, trying her best to not focus on the stabbing pain as she gestures vaguely to a region of her midsection. Jana apologizes profusely to Vee before pushing downnon the spot being pointed to. Verity yelps in surprise and pain at the action. Remi notices Jana's face is pained, like she doesn't want to do what she's doing. Tears begin to slide down Verity's now paling cheeks as their owner cries semi-quietly.

"I know, Vee! I'm sorry, but you know I have to! It'll be a lot worse if I don't, I'm sorry!" Jana continues apologizing to Verity, littering in words of encouragement, while still pressing down on the obviously painful spot. "I'm so sorry Vee! I know it hurts!" At this point, Remi can see tears cascading down Jana's face as well as Verity's - It's obviously hurting Jana to do whatever she's doing, albeit most likely mentally or emotionally. Remi just sits with wide eyes, completely frozen in shock at the scene unfolding before her. Is it betrayal? Is Jan helping Vee?

Suddenly, Jana whirls to face Remi, still pressing against Verity's stomach as Verity cries in pain. "Please give me your jacket. I need something to wrap around it, and me and V don't have anything," Jana pleads, desperation in her voice. Confused and terrified at what could possibly be happening in front of her eyes, Remi removes the jacket sitting on her shoulders and shoves it into Jana's outstretched hand. Jana turns back to her best friend and lifts the pained girl's shirt slightly, revealing a medium-small wound that appears to be actively bleeding - not much, but still requiring a bandage of sorts. Remi gasps in shock and fear at the sight, completely frozen by the apparent slice wound in Verity's side/stomach. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be very deep, as far as Remi can tell.

Jana quickly but carefully wraps the jacket moderately tightly around Verity's stomach, covering the wound from sight. She then lowers the girl's shirt back over the jacket-bandage. The less panicked girl wipes the residing tears from her face then begins to go through some sort of breathing exercise with the other; She follows this up by having the still slightly hyperventilating girl complete an activity of sorts where she names things around her.

The combination of these two practices calms Verity down and slows her tears, allowing Jana to wipe the salty droplets from the girl's face.

"Sorry about that, and for scaring you. Andrew got Vee yesterday, and V won't tell a teacher, since it 'isn't too bad'. I'm good at this kind of thing, so it should heal pretty quickly," Jana explains to Remi as Verity dries the remaining tears from her pink face.

Around 10 minutes pass and the three girls resolve to skip the rest of the day - only the last two classes. They talk about random subjects, both for conversational reasons and to keep Verity distracted from the pain.

The rest of the day speeds by, but at the end, Remi allows Verity to just keep her jacket, and they all agree to meet up the next day at school, unofficially becoming friends.

(845 Words) And the flashback ends! This chapter is longer than normal, since I wanted to get done with the flashbacks, so here ya go! Sorry this took so long to get out, I've lacked the motivation to write lol (but once I started, I couldn't stop). Next chapter we'll finally get back to the girls in the present time, can't wait! See ya (hopefully) soon!

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