Chapter 2: First Day

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"we will now start your sorting ceremony"

I tried to concentrate on Dumbledore's words and ignore everyone's uncomfortable staring.

Dumbledore put the sorting hat on Amon's head first.

"a strong mind. A clever one. And I see cunning and power too. Let it be SLYTHERIN"

I heard chearing from the Slytherin table and Amon went to sit with a group of 7 years.

Then Dumbledore put the hat on my head.

"oh i see wisdom and ambition. A thirst to prove yourself. I think you will be good in SLYTHERIN"

"fuck" I mumbled as I went and sat besides a girl which turned out to be in my year.

"hi I'm Blaire Zabini" she said with a smile.

"hello I'm Morana Donovan nice to meet you" I answered with an awkward smile.

"this is my twin brother Blaise" she said referring to the boy besides her.
"this is Pansy Parkinson" she said and a pretty girl smiled at me "and this is Draco Malfoy".

I knew the name. His father was one of the best deatheaters. I've heard my father talking about him and his family.

The boy didn't even bother looking at me.

"you know you can say hello right?" I asked him.

"I know I just don't want to" he said with a smirk.

"don't worry he is not really sociable" Blaire whispered to me.

I laughed a little bit while looking at Draco and he noticed.

"you find me funny Donovan?"

"a lot actually" I answered trying to make him angrier. It worked.

"you'll see how funny I'll be when I take your ability to walk" he said with a bigger smirk.

"no thanks I prefer Pansy" I said while looking at her and she smiled at me.

"are you gay?" Pansy asked me.

"bi actually"

"cool" Blaise commented

"do you want to fuck her Zabini?" Draco asked him with a slightly angry voice.

"none of your business Malfoy"

After a lot of talking and gossiping it was finaly time to get to our dorms.

I followed the group down to the dungeons where our common room was.

The common room was really spacious. One thing that excited me was the fact that it was under the Black Lake and we were able to see all the creatures that live there.

"so this is our dorm" Pansy said when we entered a big room with three beds and a bathroom.

"cool" I mumbled.

"so what about a girl night to get to know you better." Blaire said to me.

"I would love to but I'm really tired. Plus I have to see my brother"

I got out of the room and walked towards the boys dorms.

"i see you can't stay away from me for long" I heard Malfoy's voice.

"I came to see my brother actually" I answered annoyed.

"oh Amon yes. You are lucky. His dorm is right next to mine."

"and how exactly am I lucky?" I said.

Before he could speak I walked towards my brother's dorm without looking back at him. Seriously what's wrong with this guy?

"Amon have you talked to mum?"

"why do you care?" he asked me confused.

"just tell me"

"no I haven't. You can go back to your dorm now" he almost shouted.

I didn't answer and I went back to my dorm. Fortunately Malfoy wasn't outside.

I entered my dorm and I saw both Blaire and Pansy asleep. I had some difficulty sleeping but in the end I managed so.


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