Chapter 6: We Don't Take Girls

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A week has passed since the party and things are pretty normal. I don't fight with Amon as much as usual but we still do.

And surprisingly I still have all of my fingers. Looks like Malfoy doesn't keep promises.

I was sitting with the twins at the library when Pansy came in.

We welcomed her and we continued studying.

"Morana we are going to the common room. You coming?" Blaise asked me.

"I haven't finished yet. I'll meet you guys later" I answered and they left.

I was sitting alone when a boy came and sat across me.

"hi I'm Oliver Wood"

"Morana Donovan. Nice to meet you"

"you play quidditch?" he asked me.

"oh yeah" I said when I realized I was wearing a quidditch shirt from Durmstrung.

"I'm the Griffindor captain and the keeper" he said proudly.

"i was a chaser at my old school" I answered.

"cool. Would you like us two to play someday? I would like to see what player Flint is missing."

"sure" I said with big smile.

"so I'll see you at 4.00. Griffindor practice ends at 3.30 so the field will be empty."

"cool. See you there." I said and he left.

I went back to the common room and told everything to Blaire and Pansy.

I didn't want the boys finding out because they'll kill me. Especially Blaise.

It was about 3.50 when I sneaked out of the common room and went to the field. I saw Oliver there and went straight to him.

"you came"

"i told you I would." I answered with excitement.

"show me your moves Donovan" he said and we started playing.

He was one of the best keepers I've ever met but I still managed to score many points.

"I knew that Flint was stupid but now I'm sure." he said referring to my abilities at quidditch.

"Mr Wood I thought that Griffindor had the field until 3.30. Slytherin team is on its way here." we heard Snape's voice.

"that's right professor I was just playing a little bit with Morana" Oliver answered.

"oh Miss Donovan I saw you playing. Would you mind following me." Snape said to me.

"certainly professor" I answered and I looked at Oliver with a confused look.

I followed Snape until we arrived at the Slytherin changing room.

"Flint come here please" Snape said and a tall shirtless boy came out of the room. "I found you a new chaser"

"we don't take girls in the team professor" Flint answer.

"you do now" Snape said and left me alone with the boy.

"so you are-"

"Morana Donovan"

"have you ever played quidditch before" he asked me.

Boy seriously?

"i was a chaser at Durmstrung"

"good. Crabbe, Goyle, Bletchey and Malfoy out" he said and the boys came out of the changing room shirtless.

"you know you can wear shirts right?" I asked them.

"i know you like the view darling"

"fuck off Malfoy"

I followed the boys towards the field.

"Dono-something" Flint started talking.


"whatever. We are only doing this because Snape asked us so not because we'll take you"

"unless I'm good" I interrupted

"i doubt so but yeah"

I didn't say anything more and we started playing.

"so Bletchey is the keeper and Crabbe and Goyle will block you. Do your best" Flint said with a smirk.

Crabbe and Goyle tried to knock me off many times but they never succeed it. Bletchey was really good. Maybe better than Oliver. But yet again I scored many points.

"OK. Stop. That's enough." Flint said.

"so?" I asked with a smirk.

"welcome to the team" he almost mumbled.

I left the field filled with excitement and went straight to the common room to tell the girls what happened.

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